What About Mika?

My name is Mika! (The ‘i’ makes an ‘ee’ sound, so… don’t get it wrong.) Yes, there is a singer named Mika too. He is pretty spectacular and I definitely recommend that you check him out.  And there is also a girl from Eurotrip that has the same name. I’ve spent exactly half of my life in a small town in Southern Utah. We are so small, our list of attractions include Wal-Mart. Although we do have a university so I guess that can up the coolness just a tiny bit. I like to consider myself more of a city person. I hate camping and outdoors and especially dirt. I do like hiking through Zion though. I love shopping and going out and about. So living here has been quite a challenge for me, but I manage alright.

Music. Everyone is connected by music. It is probably one of the most asked questions when you are trying to get to know someone. Why? Music is probably one of the most powerful things in this world. So when it comes to music, I love almost everything. My favorites are screamo, acoustic and dance-y pop stuff. Ha I know, I am so random. I don’t like listening to country or old hair metal bands but I do respect that they are pretty talented genres. And contrary to popular belief, scream music is not all suicidal. :) 

I love working. I know, its weird but whatever, I've learned to accept it. I work at a non-profit organization known as the Family Support Center. Our mission is to provide intervention and education in order to prevent child abuse and neglect by protecting the child while keeping the family intact. We believe that if a child is safe, the best place for that child is with their family. We know that when families are provided with skills and assistance necessary from friends, family, and their community, they can be successful parents. Working there is honestly one of my favorite things in the world to do. I love playing with the kids and watching them grow. The best feeling is when you know you have made a difference for the good in someone's life. 

Let's see. I should probably explain how I came to write about fashion. Well, back in the good ol' days of high school, my volleyball team (go middle blockers!) keep urging me to model because I am 5'11... without heels. I'm roughly 6'3 or so in heels and I am usually in heels because I have this addiction to shoes. But back to my story. So I got sick of them telling me that I should model and moved to northern Utah which is bigger and more fashion forward than the rest of the state.  As I studied it, I realized that I loved fashion. and I thought I was not too horrible at it. I got into it a bit and right when I was about to try out for America's Next Top Model... bam. I took a cinder block to the face. So currently, my pursuit of being the newest Angel for Victoria's Secret is on hold. But while I'm waiting, I figured I might as well write about my passion to pass the time. 
A few more random facts about me and then I shall let you be done. But I think I am going to bullet them instead. It just goes faster. 

1 -I am super insanely OCD. I don't do messy environments (Ha ironic that I work with kids right?) And I am extremely particular with numbers and symmetry. 

2-Zachary is my most bestest friend in the whole universe! We are rarely seen apart. But we are NOT dating. Ha we got asked that 13 times in one day once. It was rather mind blowing. We have been BFF's since our sophomore year of high school and known each other since 7th grade.  We are often seen eating mac and cheese or Subway while watching 30 Rock. 
3-I love watching Psych, Archer, Rules of Engagement, Metalocalypse, Top Model, American Family and Modern Family. 

4-I'm pretty sure that I am the world's biggest Batman fan. I'm a nerd like that. 

5- And speaking of being nerdy, I am a religious reader of Harry Potter as well. My #1 dream is to meet J.K. Rowling. It would probably be an awkward encounter though. I know I would just cry and cry. I owe her my childhood.  

6-I am addicted to shoes. Its really bad! :/ As of now, I have 50+ and only 3 of those are flats.

7-Kyle and I got married on 12/10/12. That is his birthday and that is what he wanted to do. So one courthouse session later, we are married.

8-I love the non-profit organization To Write Love On Her Arms. To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide.  TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery. They have made an impact in my life and have helped me through some difficult times. www.twloha.com

9-I have a tiny teacup Yorkie named Guster. He is my baby and I love him. I also have a hound dog/lab named Bruno and a great dane/golden retriever named Milo. I love them too but we all know Gus is my favorite.

10- I love people but I don't think I make very good first impressions. Most of my friends tell me that when they first met me, they thought I was stuck up and intimidating. But I swear, I am super nice! I just don't speak because I sometimes feel like other people are way more awesome than I am! So, if you approach me, I promise I won't brush you off or hate you. 

11-I am deathly afraid of needles. I bawl every time i get a shot. My dentist and doctor have now delegated two nurses to hold my hands for the entire appointment. 

12-I am obsessed with nail polish. 

13-I am a pretty happy person. I just figure why stress about the little things? Life is way better if you are positive. :)

14-If I were an animal, I would be a giraffe. They have excellent bone structure. And they are so tall. 

15-I can not stand mullets. I will talk to anyone... unless you have a mullet. I am serious. I WILL NOT talk to you. I don't know why I hate them but when I see one, I skirt around the person and cringe involuntarily. I am sorry! I know it is rude but I do not think they are acceptable. But if we are to be friends, you must chop your mullet.

So... yeah. That is basically my life. Not too exciting really but it works. I am glad you all can join Kaeli and I in my first ever blog! 

Love, Mika.