I know that some people think getting trampled by rabid squirrels is more likely to go down. But you never know! Crazier things have happened before right? If it makes you nervous or you are really skeptical about this idea, take baby steps. Just try to accept yourself as you are. If that is a huge reach, just try to not absolutely loathe your body/face. Pick out one thing you like and focus on that for a while. You like your lips? Play it up. Got fantastic legs? Show them off! Can't find anything? I'm calling you out. There is ALWAYS something. Now, remember that list I suggested all of you write and stick on your mirrors? ... No? Ok go back to my 'True Love' post. Reread. Do challenge. Report back to me. :)
But Mika, I want to change my personality/habits/social standing. Well then my pretty little readers, do it! What's stopping you? If you really want to be different, get off your butt and work it. Changing your actions are much easier (and cheaper) than changing your physical appearance. You are what you pretend to be because people embody their thoughts. Want to overcome a fear? Take it in little doses and work up to facing it head on. If your heart is set on being a fashion designer, do your research and go out and start making clothes. You need to do things in order to make things happen. Life doesn't come handed to you on a silver platter held by a shirtless Gerard Butler. (Too bad right? Sigh.) Going to be a nurse? Better start workin' those scrubs! The key is to not give up because quitting gets you no where. Stay positive and work hard! It most certainly won't be easy but there is a good chance it will be worth it.
Bottom line: Accept your physical appearance. It really could be worse. And work for what you want. Good luck to you all! :)
Love, Mika.
P.S.- What's up with the kid in a fake stache? I just thought it would be cuter if he was saying this to you. So... read this in his adorable little boy voice. Also, the title is from the song, 'Love Today' by Mika (He is a British singer... I think.) Check it.
I really like your writing style. It is very personable. I feel like I'm having a friendly conversation while I'm reading it. Plus every time someone says "baby steps" I think about the movie What About Bob. Also it is really interesting to see that you write blog posts on pretty much the same topic I do. If you want to check out mine here is the link!