Friday, August 9, 2013

Fantasy Meets Reality.

I would have chose eternal slumber over this. Of course, eternal slumber sounds amazing compared to four hours of sleep every night!
I was scrolling through good ol' Facebook when I came across an article. The article was about princesses who are stuck in reality. What? I wasn't too sure on what it meant so I clicked on it, read the article and looked through the pictures. I was flabbergasted. I love it! You must take a peek by clicking HERE. Let me know what you think! I would love to reenact this in a shoot. I think this would be so fun!
Also remember to like us on Facebook! Or you can comment on here. :)
Love, Mika


Life has been... hectic. I quit the center so I have been job hunting like mad. Kyle and I landed managing a hotel and surprise! We hate it. So we put in our two weeks notice and I have been freaking out trying to find a job! Unemployment is not a good look on me. I get stir crazy and spend money I don't have to feel better. Bad Mika! But this hotel business is not a good look on me either. Kyle and I wait up until all hours of the night waiting for people to check in and then get up at 6:30 to put out breakfast. Talk about stressful. Either way, I was still applying everywhere and hoping. SUU called me for an interview and then called me twice to tell me that I didn't get it. Thanks SUU. Just reject me twice! Not like I had feelings. :P
And just when I thought there was no hope, I got a call from State Bank and I am now a part time teller! I am so excited! I get to sit down, not wake up at 6:30 and I get to dress up every day! No more tank top/cardigan/jeans/dirty socks combo. So keep an eye out for new outfits to come! I probably wont post every day but I will be doing more posts than once a month. Again, I apologize for that! But when I am not checking people in, I am taking a nap or cleaning. Please send me outfits that you have put together! I have a new email :)
Love, Mika.