Friday, March 22, 2013


Some of my posts focus on inner beauty and some are about the outer appearance. This one is about the outside today! In many senses actually. Last summer, I went to Lagoon with my best friend Zachary, my brother Yoshi, Yoshi's girlfriend Dani and my Mum. I had never gone before and it was pretty fun I must admit. And I was going to post this when it was still hotter than the sun out but as you can tell, I kind of sucked at posting last year. Back to Lagoon, the only bad parts were:

A. The prices were a little ridiculous.
B. Its a good four hour drive from where I live.
C. There was no fashion sense... at all.

If you have ever been to Disneyland, you will notice the abundance of little emo children running about. This can be said about Lagoon! Except when I say emo, I mean totally lacked all knowledge of how to dress. And not to be rude, but they looked a little trashy. Granted, it was pretty hot. But you can look nice and not die of heat stroke at the same time. Why am I talking about this? Because it was SO painful to look at. So I am making some rules to abide by while theme parking it up!

1. Do not wear winter boots when it's hot outside. That is a stupid idea! It makes your feet hot and sweaty and it looks like you are confused.

2. Speaking of footwear, wear some comfortable shoes that will stay on your feet. Gladiator sandals, Converse, Keds, and Vans are all excellent choices. They won't fall off your feet on rides and they will keep your feet cool. If water is involved, go with the sandals so you don't waddle around all squishy! If you want to wear taller shoes, do wedges. But even I don't wear heels when I do amusement parks and I wear 5 inch heels 98% of the time.

3. Please keep in mind that little children are around. Cover up a little! We don't need children scarred for life! (And trust me, no matter how hot you are, you WILL scar them.) But don't worry. You don't need to wear a turtleneck to the amusement park. You can wear a cute embellished tank with thick straps, or a sheer flowy shirt over a spaghetti strap tank. Just don't have everything hanging out at once.

4. Leave holes in pants to a minimum. Also make sure you have an ample amount of pocket space available! If you decide to wear a skirt, make sure its not too loose because it will fly up on rides! If you do want to wear one though, have spandex or shorts under it. Wouldn't want to scare people or be yelled at for indecent exposure! Make sure whatever shorts or skirt you have on is long enough to cover your seat. Who knows what has been on that seat before you. Germs are a real thing people. Plus, sticking to the seat is not attractive. Neither is burning your legs or butt on the hot ride seat.

5. If it's an amusement park and a water park, it is a good idea to wear your swim suit under your clothing and to carry all your money and your phone in a plastic baggy in your pocket so it doesn't get ruined. Ziplocks really are life savers. This trick also works in the shower. I often listen to music in the shower or bath and if it is zipped up, no harm can be done if an accident occurs. Just check the Ziplock often to make sure no holes creep up. For this reason, bring extra bags.

Summary: Cover up but stay cool. Bring a Ziplock. Don't look whiskey tango. Enjoy your day. :)

Love, Mika.

For the Love of Thursday.

(I hate conversation hearts. But this is too pretty.)

I know I am super late for this post but I still want to write about it so deal.

Oh Valentines Day. Also known as Single's Awareness Day. How can one little day cause so much drama? Its so mind boggling how so many emotions swell up over nothing. People get quite obnoxious on February 14th! First, there are the couples who are all over each other that you want to shout, "Please. Get. A. Room. Please! For the children and everyone's stomachs!" And then you yearn to throw the little candy hearts at them. Then, there are those people who mope around hating being single and claiming they will die single and declaring their hate for the day and everyone around. And I don't know about you, but I want to shake them and tell say, "Hey! You were single yesterday, you're single today, and you will most likely be single tomorrow. I'm not sure why you have to go around and be hatin'!" And then throw the candy hearts at them because let's be honest, they are kinda gross!

I personally am not a fan of the day. I think it is pointless. Kyle (my husband) and I agreed that we would not celebrate Feb. 14th just because neither of us really care about it. However, he tricked me into a date that day! Sneaky. It is a good thing he is so cute. So if you are like me and don't particularly have any desire to celebrate or you just plain don't have a 'significant other' to share the holiday with, here are some alternatives:

1. Celebrate Chocolate Day! This is what I do. Find a chocolate fountain, grab some fruit, prezels and junk food and dip to your hearts content. Or buy a ridiculous amount of chocolate candies and eat them while watching a movie.

2. Have a Game Night. My friends/family and I are always having game night. We play board games or card games but if you are into video games, go ahead and play Mario Cart! Or is it Kart? (That example right there shows you how often I play video games.) The more people, the more fun. Have everyone bring a game and a treat because tis the season for treat eating.

3. Make a bunch of paper hearts and 'Heart Attack' someone. Just remind some person that they are loved. Old people are great targets. If you are not sure how to 'heart attack' someone, all you do is cut out a ton of paper hearts and tape them to their door, scatter them on the lawn ect. And of course leave treats. Bonus points if you write nice things about the person on the hearts.

4. Build a blanket fort! Self explanatory. Who doesn't love forts? If you want to get physical, have a Nerf Gun war with someone. Embrace your inner little kid.

5. Go on a solo/sibling date. You can say it is lame all you want but truth is, it is way fun. Dress up, go shopping or out to dinner or some fun thing like mini golf. If you just can not be alone, take a buddy. I take my little siblings on 'Bro Dates' whenever they have a birthday and they just love it. Go swimming or bowling! And eat junk food.

Obviously the main point is to eat a ton of food that is bad for you and have fun. Don't be obnoxious and definitely do not sit and mope. No one wants to be around that. And if you absolutely HAVE to sulk, go pamper yourself in the tub and paint your nails... and don't forget to eat your feelings.

What do you do on V-day?? I need new ideas for next year. Thoughts, questions ect are welcome.

Love, Mika.

Those Magic Changes.

I'm a terrible blogger. Seriously. So I'm making some changes. As you know, Kaeli is on a mission so it's just me now. And that is making me sad! But what can you do? Life moves on. So now this blog will be a mix of my personal life and fashion/beauty stuff. Maybe that can keep me motivated. I'll have more to say and I'm really considering getting rid of Facebook (there will be more on that later though.) I think that is pretty much the only change... If I think of one later, I will add it! Oh and one more thing (and if you didn't read that in Uncle's voice, your childhood obviously wasn't as awesome as mine!) If any of you catch and spelling or grammar mistakes, please let me know so I can change it. I love my English skills/ sometimes my phone likes to auto correct words into different things that make no sense at all.  

Anyone wanting to join my fashion "team" feel free to email me at or contact me through Facebook! I won't be rid of it for a bit. Or you can talk to me in person or text me if you have my number. Thanks guys!

Love, Mika.