Tuesday, July 12, 2011

True Love.

Even supermodels get insecure and have body image distortion. From time to time, I get self conscience and I struggle a little with my new face. Now when I say 'new face,' I am not referring to plastic surgery. (I have never had any elective surgery such as a nose job or boob job ever! And I don't really plan on getting any.) Last year, I had a very... insane experience involving an escaped convict and a cinder block to the right side of my face. I will most likely post the entire story at some point so you'll just have to be patient until then! So anyway, back to the point of this post.

I sometimes get down on myself because of my new look. Its hard having a new face after 19 years of having the same one. And don't get me wrong, I have done really well with it considering all that has happened! But I am still human so I have my moments. This week I have been thinking about it quite a bit/obsessing with my old facebook profile pictures. (Stupid facebook. It is so obnoxious!) Anyhow, I was laying in bed one night and thinking about it and perusing givesmehope.com, when a memory popped into my head that made me think twice about my moping.

A few months after my run in with death, I was sitting at my dinner table just crying by myself. The kids were in bed and my parents were away. I was doodling to pass the time and had drawn a picture of my new face with my name under it. It was a little bit exaggerated but for the most part, it was pretty accurate. I went to the bathroom to clean up my awful tear streaked makeup and so I had left my picture on the table. When I came back, my younger sister Ayumi, had wrote, "is beautiful" right after my name... which sent me right back into another fit of hysterics. That simple little gesture of love STILL means the world to me. I don't even think she realized how much I appreciate it.

Everyone has moments of self loathing. It happens. When you do, make sure you have a person who makes you feel happy. It does not have to be a 'significant other' either. Don't have anyone? email me. I will gladly help you talk it out. Now, if you have these moments all the time, please do some re-evaluating. You ARE beautiful. Homework time! Make a list of everything you like physically about yourself. You have to have at least 5 items on your list. Next, write a list of all the personality traits you like about yourself. Again, you need five things. Now, take the list and post it on your mirror. DO IT. Right now.

So, do you have any experiences similar to mine? We will add them on here. Also, check out givesmehope.com! Its like FML but for optimists :) I really do love this site. I visit it when I'm feeling a bit down. And remember, there is more to beauty than looks.

Love, Mika.


  1. Mika,
    Thank you so much for this post it is true that we all feel not beautiful at times. After reading this it reminds me of all the small acts of love that have happened to me that have made me feel special and beautiful. I just wanted to let you know that I am glad that I stopped to read this.
    Thanks again
    Breanna Bradshaw (or Culler)

  2. Mika-
    so sweet of your sister!

    This is so realistic. from recently loving psychology, I'm reading this book. ,
    have you heard of psycho-cybernetics?
    I hadnt heard much on it, but I'm goin to read it. its this study of people who already look stunning to everyone else, get plastic surgery on their "imperfections"
    They never feel much prettier, and still would get more work done.
    I think thats why its so important to win the self loathing.

    Thanks for making this post! I feel prettier already.
    -Allis Eldredge
