Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Take

To follow up on Mika's post... Maybe I'm just super Mormon... haha. But really I kinda have to agree and disagree on some accounts. A) Not everyone in Utah is Marriage hungry. And marrying young isn't always bad. I honestly think that when you know, you know. But there are definitely a lot of people who try to get married too fast, and maybe for the wrong reasons. Marriage and relationships are serious business. Very serious. They deal with emotions and trust and honesty and things that can make or break people easier than almost anything else. I think the biggest problem is that people take it all too lightly. Like it's all fairytales and happiness, when really relationships are hard. The truth is, it's a lot of work, but work that's worth it if you try hard enough.
Don't be so stressed about not dating or being married that you settle for something you don't want, get yourself into something you never bargained for, or fight for a relationship that isn't actually worth it to you. That's when things get ugly. Take time. Take lots of time. You have to build relationships. If you haven't invested time in getting to know the person, it's not a relationship, it's an obsession. If you expect it to be easy, wake up. IT'S NOT EASY! People say not to become roommates with your best friends because it destroys relationships. Marriage, is like moving in with your best friend, plus extra commitment... That means when there's a fight you can't just drive off in your car and talk to mom. You can't go run to your boyfriend/girlfriend, because that's who you just fought with. You have to be super selfless and willing to work things out and you have to remember that no matter how hard it gets you love the person, and you are willing to fight for that. It's NOT easy. And lots of things are going to go wrong. Some things, you can fix. Some things you can work around, and some things are permanent. So be careful.
I'm not saying you should be afraid of getting married. I know I make it sound dreadful and overwhelming. That's not what I'm trying to do. What I'm trying to do, is say that I don't necessarily think there is one age that is better than another for getting married. I think it's about being prepared to fight for what you love. Being willing to go through hard  times because you love someone so much that you know it will be worth it when you come out the other side. And remember this is all easier said than done. Because right now it's all just words of logic, but when you are in a relationship there is emotional attachment and all kinds of other elements of relationships getting in the way.
It's not easy. But if it's worth it, make it work. It's not a matter of age, preparation may play into it a little. I do think you have to reach a certain level of maturity before you can handle it. But overall I think it just comes from a determination to make things work. That's all.
And lastly, keep in mind, that occasionally it is out of your control. Do your best and if things still go wrong, it's not your fault, and eventually it will probably work out for the better.
I love you all! Please share your thoughts.
Love, Kaeli

P.S. For those of you who care to see a more detailed idea of how I feel about this whole subject. It's all on my blog. Here ya go. The post is called "How to find Happily Ever After."


  1. Man Kaeli! I can totally hear ya when I read most of this.. Big Chunks of this. parts of it. sorry kaeli I hate reading.

    It almost seems as if I were getting married and this is a letter you wrote to me after you told me you were "so excited" (;

    I can see it now...!
    haha! I am mature Kaeli and Ill do what I want! -(whine-y voice)

    You do make excellent points
    -(serious voice)
    except utah exceptionally marriage hungry.

    And I am now afraid of getting married thanks to you!

    -Love allis
    p.s. I hope you can read my sarcasm via blog comment?

  2. hahaha yes indeed. No you're right. Utah. Marriage Hungry. Except me. Not marriage hungry. -Kaeli
