Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mika's Excuse.

So... originally I had this entire post on shoes. And Blogspot erased THE ENTIRE THING. I'm not happy Bob. Not. Happy. Therefore, I am rewriting this in a slightly bitter fashion. And by slightly, I mean if I type any harder on my keyboard, my nails may break... and that would be tragic. But I did take a pic of every shoe I own so it did lift my spirits a little. But this article will not be as long as the last one I wrote.

I am going to start off by apologizing that I never post. Unlike Kaeli, I don't go to school but I do constantly work. Hopefully sometime in the near future, my life will slow down. I do have surgery coming up soon so I will be in bed a lot so that means a lot of down time and a lot more posting.

Recently, I went shoe shopping for the first time in roughly six months. As such, I kind of went a little crazy when I walked in Forever Young Shoes in the University Mall in Orem, Utah. I may or may not have bought... 7 pairs of shoes. Oops. But I got all of them under $100! That is like $14 dollars a pair. You. Can. Not. Resist. That. If I find out you do pass that up, I will haunt you forever cause its a crime equal in severity to kicking a puppy with two legs. At Forever Young Shoes, they have a punch card where you buy seven pairs of shoes and get one free. And they always have the clearance wall chock full of wonderful shoes, all for BOGO 1/2 off. It is literally Shoe Heaven. When I find an article of clothing that I love, I have a signature reaction that I do.
1. I gasp (a little dramatically)
2. I strike the "awkward penguin pose" (which looks like I have to pee really bad)
3. I run over to it and stroke it a little

Yeah I know its a little embarrassing looking but it is involuntary! I can't help it! And I can't buy anything without these reactions!

When I walked in this time, the sales lady greeted us in the normal fashion and then my mum and I proceeded to browse. And by browse, I mean nearly ran about the store squealing in delight. Apparently the sales lady noticed and she walked over to us. What did she say to me? "I just love watching you. You look like a little kid in a candy store! Its so cute." ..... Yeah it was a little embarrassing and I toned it down just a touch after that. But she was absolutely correct! But instead of candy, its like cocaine to me. But even though I really can't resist shoes, I never ever ever spend more than $40 dollars on shoes. And that includes boots baby cakes!

That is all I have for now! What is your favorite shoe designer or store or brand? Comments, chew outs, questions and suggestions are always welcome! Ok maybe chew outs are not always welcome but today they are because I have been slacking.

Love, Mika.

Oh! P.S.- Below are pics of some of my shoes. To see the entire collection, add me as a friend on Facebook and in the message, say you are a fan of our blog! Otherwise, I will question who you are. Safety first!

Love, Mika.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A new season of the blog returns soon... stay tuned!

Hey, I don't know exactly what Mika's excuse is, but I've been working and schooling (not in the cool way) and with every spare moment I study or try to have a social life and have therefore neglected this blog, and the cleaning of my bedroom, so those are my two things "to-do" for the day. I'm not sure what I'm posting about yet... So basically, I'm here, alive and more is coming soon. To be continued...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just.... No.

So it has been an entire month since I last got on here! I'm so sorry that I'm lame and not on top of things. I recently went to Lagoon with my best friend Zachary, my brother Yoshi, Yoshi's girlfriend Dani and my Mum. I had never gone before and it was pretty fun I must admit. The only bad parts were:
A. The prices were a little ridiculous.
B. Its a good four hour drive from where I live.
C. There was no fashion sense... at all.

If you have ever been to Disneyland, you will notice the abundance of little emo children running about. This can be said about Lagoon! Except when I say emo, I mean total 'whiskey tangos.' (Whiskey tango= a tad trashy.) Seriously, it sounds mean but I was a little scarred. I mean, there are children running around! I know its semi hot but please COVER UP. Its called being respectful.

Anyhow as I was trying to contain my horror, I thought to myself, "Gee Mika, don't be so rude. Maybe they just don't know how to dress for a public gathering." So I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that they were never taught what is appropriate. So this post is about dressing for theme park fun! I know that those of you who do actually read these probably don't dress whiskey tango, so focus more on inspiration for the next outfit. :)

Outfit choice 1: The Infamous Sundress.

Remember that post I did on sundresses? (No? Go back and check it. Its called Summer Staple.) Sundresses are fabulous! They are so comfy and look fabulous. Not to mention, it takes like five seconds tops to get into them. Sundresses are good if it is a water park/theme park combo. Make sure you wear your suit underneath your dress and voila! Done.

Outfit Idea 2: High waisted shorts and cute tank combo.

Check out the cute sailor inspired shorts on the left! I need a pair of these. Badly. So lightweight and so cute! Plus, they look like they have sweet pocket space. Pair these with a floral or striped tank. Or if you are feeling daring, wear a retro crop top!

Strappy gladiator sandals are key when you visit a theme park. If you wear flip flops, they could fly off your feet on some rides. And by could, I actually mean will. Keds and Converse also work fantastically if you need more padding/support when you walk. Oh! Also, make sure you have a water proof ziplock baggie for your phone and other items that must be protected! Tip: Pick a dress or a pair of shorts with good pockets. If all else fails, store in your bra/swim top. Pull your hair up so when it gets wet, it won't get too crazy. Also, don't wear loose accessories. They will fly off! That means no sunglasses as well. I mean, I suppose you could have those as long as someone held them for you off the ride or if they fit in your pocket.

Again I am so sorry for never posting. :( I will try to be more diligent! What do you wear to the amusement park? Comments and questions welcome! :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Firm Foundation.

Yes. I totally just kinda referenced a Hymn. Just don't judge me! I had a migraine earlier today so I'm still a little fuzzy from it. So I was casually perusing Facebook while watching 'Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta' when one of my friend's post caught my eye and made my jaw drop.

"I Want to be a model!!! ...Just kidding im to ugly and cameras are NOT my friend. and im just to awkward. but its ok to dream right?"

*shakes head* Oh honey. Says who?? The media? If you want to do it, do it. Find an agency or a CREDITABLE photographer (who doesn't try to get you down to wearing nothing) who is inspired by your look. I am seriously considering/toying with the idea of starting a fashion line and her comment gave me a little push of motivation. I will do the line! And I'm going to use all sorts of girls to model my stuff! But enough of me. Back to Lacie!

I told her
"psh says who? hmmm? beauty comes from within :) plus, some of the best models are super awkward! they work with what they got. and cameras? they can be easily fooled. just work your angles and have confidence."

(Excuse my horrid grammar mistakes. I never use capitalization or apostrophes in my Fb typing.) But then her insecurities came up! She didn't like her skin. Which I understand because acne is so not wanted by anyone. So she asked me what to do! I am probably not the best person to ask for this because I am super lazy with my facial routine. I use a bar of Dove soap at night before bed and I use Neutrogena 360 Clean with exfoliating beads (the orange one cause it smells delightful) to wash my face in the shower. Then she told me that she has scars she wants to cover because she is getting married and wants flawless skin for it! Come to find out, she doesn't wear makeup.

I nearly keeled over with shock. I can't even fathom not wearing makeup! But I'm kind of a Barbie so that's just me. :P So I told her a little foundation goes a long way. And that is when I decided to post about how to do foundation.

Step 1: Have a clean face. If you don't shower in the morning, take a baby wipe and go over your face. (Baby wipes are also fabulous for taking off makeup! Who knew?)

Step 2: Moisturize your face. If you have oily face, you can skip it or use a an extremely light lotion. Normally I just put face lotion on the dry parts of my face such as my chin and my nose.

Step 3: Have a liquid foundation and a sponge. DAB not drag across your face. Start in the center of your face and work your way out to the edges. Also make sure you get your eyelids too. Blend into your neck because no one looks good as an oompa loompa. If you have too much on your face, use a cotton ball and sweep over the entire area.

Step 4: Grab your powder. Sweep over your entire face but focus on the center. Sometimes if you need more coverage, dab on like your liquid. Blend into your neck. If you appear orange or if your makeup is too dark, add some baby powder to your powder foundation.

Done. Work it! Also notice the picture. No one washes their face like that! NO ONE. And I noticed that I can not post anything without a visual aid. Oh well. Comments and questions are encouraged. :) Thanks everyone.

Love, Mika.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Everybody's Gonna Love Today.

You don't constantly have to love yourself. If one did, it may come off as conceited or narcissistic. Plus, I would imagine that would be rather exhausting after a while. Don't give me the whole, "But Mika, you said we should always love yourselves!" That I did. Now, let me clarify. When I say the phrase, "Love yourself" I don't mean it is going to happen instantly. This transformation happens over time.

I know that some people think getting trampled by rabid squirrels is more likely to go down. But you never know! Crazier things have happened before right? If it makes you nervous or you are really skeptical about this idea, take baby steps. Just try to accept yourself as you are. If that is a huge reach, just try to not absolutely loathe your body/face. Pick out one thing you like and focus on that for a while. You like your lips? Play it up. Got fantastic legs? Show them off! Can't find anything? I'm calling you out. There is ALWAYS something. Now, remember that list I suggested all of you write and stick on your mirrors? ... No? Ok go back to my 'True Love' post. Reread. Do challenge. Report back to me. :)

But Mika, I want to change my personality/habits/social standing. Well then my pretty little readers, do it! What's stopping you? If you really want to be different, get off your butt and work it. Changing your actions are much easier (and cheaper) than changing your physical appearance. You are what you pretend to be because people embody their thoughts. Want to overcome a fear? Take it in little doses and work up to facing it head on. If your heart is set on being a fashion designer, do your research and go out and start making clothes. You need to do things in order to make things happen. Life doesn't come handed to you on a silver platter held by a shirtless Gerard Butler. (Too bad right? Sigh.) Going to be a nurse? Better start workin' those scrubs! The key is to not give up because quitting gets you no where. Stay positive and work hard! It most certainly won't be easy but there is a good chance it will be worth it.

Bottom line: Accept your physical appearance. It really could be worse. And work for what you want. Good luck to you all! :)

Love, Mika.

P.S.- What's up with the kid in a fake stache? I just thought it would be cuter if he was saying this to you. So... read this in his adorable little boy voice. Also, the title is from the song, 'Love Today' by Mika (He is a British singer... I think.) Check it.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Love Yourself!

So this came directly from my friend Alissa Lear's facebook status. Not sure if she made it up or if it is an existing quote but it definitely belongs on this blog!

" Man made barbie, God made you... be happy with the skin you're in!! :)"

I think God may be a better artist than man anyway. And he definitely has a greater understanding of beauty... seeing as he created the earth and everything beautiful upon it. So that's my two cents for the day.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer Staple.

One of the best things about summer? Sundresses! Oh yes. I don't know about you guys but it is seriously hot where I live. And I don't have A/C in my vehicle! Talk about suckfest. I lose at least 5 pounds every time I get into my car from sweating so much. So what I'm trying to say is I am not a fan of heavy clothing (or clothing at all for that matter) in the heat.

There are those who are against dresses and use the following excuses:
1. You hate being 'exposed.'
2. You are more of a tom boy.
3. You have an odd body shape.
4. You don't have a lot of time to be all girly.
5. You want to be 'comfortable.'

No way honey! There are so many different kinds of sundresses out there that everyone can find at least one. I will now explain my counter attack for each excuse made. Ready or not, here we go!

You don't like being exposed? Well no worries. There are a lot of modest dresses that are lightweight and cover you up. Check out the one below. It is a bright color and flowy but also cinches at the waist for shape! Such a great dress for summer!

So you gravitate more towards the masculine side of the scale eh? Girls, say hello to the shirt dress. It will be your friend! It breathes very nicely and has a boyish feel to it. Want to dress it up? Add a sweet belt like the one here. Want to give it an athletic feel? Add some lace up shoes like Vans, Converse or Keds.

Being self conscience about your body is something everyone goes through. If you want to hide areas that you think are 'problematic,' opt for a dress with an empire waist. Don't go too tight or too baggy because this will just make you look bigger. This style is really good for those who are athletically built, plus sized or pear shaped. If you have an hourglass figure, or invertedly triangled, go for a different style because this one will make your waist look heavier. A little confusing but just go with it. If you are afraid of falling out up top with the first green dress, try the second one.I'm late, I'm late for a very important date! No time to say "Hello! Goodbye!" I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! I hear ya little white rabbit. I combined excuse 4 and 5 into one dress. Life comes at you fast. But this look takes literally 10 seconds. Look for a dress that you can slip on when you shop. The one below has stretchy fabric up top so you get shape without any effort. Throw on some bracelets or a necklace and flats. Done. "But I'm just going grocery shopping! Why can't I wear my pajama pants/sweats?" Cause that is a HUGE no no. Just don't do it! Be a big girl and get dressed. Its only ok if you are sick and/or dying. Even still, send someone else. This dress is just as comfy and it looks like you care. Alright, I am done scolding!
So that's that! Sundresses can be super laid back for day wear but can also be dressed up for evening events. I recommend them for every closet. They are just really convenient and so lovely. :)

Feelings on dresses?Hate them or love them? Comments, questions, and opinions are welcome and encouraged!

Love, Mika.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Moss Chic.

As you can clearly see, I struggled with a title for this one. I also struggle without a nice camera but you work with what you get when you are young and broke right? So I apologize about the crappy quality of my pics.

Back to my original post though. Summer is the time to be outside in the ridiculously hot sun. Apparently, in the summer you are suppose to do things called 'hiking' and 'camping.' Being an indoor sort of person, I don't do either of these things. Ever. But seeing as I am anti-nature, I still get inspired by it even if it is from a distance. So today's look is pictured left! <----- And yes, I know you guys all know your left and rights but I still wanted to put an arrow. So take that. Anyhow, back to the point. (Man I am so spazzy today. Sorry guys!) I combined a jade green shadow with a dark brown shadow to create my eye makeup today! I have been favoring this look lately because its really easy and it looks fabulous on hazel eyes! I also made up an outfit for you since its been a while.

What you need:
-dark brown eye shadow
-jade green eye shadow
-black or brown eyeliner
-black or brown mascara

1. Take the green and cover the lid from lash line to crease.
2. Load your brush with the brown and sweep all along your crease.
3. Blend.
4. Apply liner to the waterlines.
5. Curl your eyelashes and smother them in mascara.

Pictured right, --->(yes another arrow,) is the outfit I wore with this makeup. I had cuffed jean shorts, a brown babydoll blouse, brown gladiator sandals and a bold necklace to balance out the open neckline.

What title would you put for this post? Because obviously my title is lacking. Also, did you try out this look? Comments and questions are always welcomed!

Love, Mika.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Take

To follow up on Mika's post... Maybe I'm just super Mormon... haha. But really I kinda have to agree and disagree on some accounts. A) Not everyone in Utah is Marriage hungry. And marrying young isn't always bad. I honestly think that when you know, you know. But there are definitely a lot of people who try to get married too fast, and maybe for the wrong reasons. Marriage and relationships are serious business. Very serious. They deal with emotions and trust and honesty and things that can make or break people easier than almost anything else. I think the biggest problem is that people take it all too lightly. Like it's all fairytales and happiness, when really relationships are hard. The truth is, it's a lot of work, but work that's worth it if you try hard enough.
Don't be so stressed about not dating or being married that you settle for something you don't want, get yourself into something you never bargained for, or fight for a relationship that isn't actually worth it to you. That's when things get ugly. Take time. Take lots of time. You have to build relationships. If you haven't invested time in getting to know the person, it's not a relationship, it's an obsession. If you expect it to be easy, wake up. IT'S NOT EASY! People say not to become roommates with your best friends because it destroys relationships. Marriage, is like moving in with your best friend, plus extra commitment... That means when there's a fight you can't just drive off in your car and talk to mom. You can't go run to your boyfriend/girlfriend, because that's who you just fought with. You have to be super selfless and willing to work things out and you have to remember that no matter how hard it gets you love the person, and you are willing to fight for that. It's NOT easy. And lots of things are going to go wrong. Some things, you can fix. Some things you can work around, and some things are permanent. So be careful.
I'm not saying you should be afraid of getting married. I know I make it sound dreadful and overwhelming. That's not what I'm trying to do. What I'm trying to do, is say that I don't necessarily think there is one age that is better than another for getting married. I think it's about being prepared to fight for what you love. Being willing to go through hard  times because you love someone so much that you know it will be worth it when you come out the other side. And remember this is all easier said than done. Because right now it's all just words of logic, but when you are in a relationship there is emotional attachment and all kinds of other elements of relationships getting in the way.
It's not easy. But if it's worth it, make it work. It's not a matter of age, preparation may play into it a little. I do think you have to reach a certain level of maturity before you can handle it. But overall I think it just comes from a determination to make things work. That's all.
And lastly, keep in mind, that occasionally it is out of your control. Do your best and if things still go wrong, it's not your fault, and eventually it will probably work out for the better.
I love you all! Please share your thoughts.
Love, Kaeli

P.S. For those of you who care to see a more detailed idea of how I feel about this whole subject. It's all on my blog. Here ya go. The post is called "How to find Happily Ever After."

Til Death Do Us Part.

So today’s post is a little controversial and I wasn’t all too sure how I wanted to go about it so I’m just going to go for it! Lately, love is in the air and a lot of my friends have been getting married/having children. This means:
A. The population is steadily rising and,
B. My friends who are still single are now either wedding crazy or incredibly depressed... or both. Mostly both.
I was realizing this the other day and decided that I was going to do a post on the matter because it is one of the few things I have a strong opinion about. Now, don’t get me wrong, if you want to/are already got married at a young age or whatever, more power to you! It is completely your choice and please don’t take offense to what I am stating. I’m simply just expressing my opinion.
After ten years of living in Utah, I realized nearly everyone here is OBSESSED with getting married as fast as they possibly can. And it’s not just the girls. It’s the boys as well. I always have friends express their exasperation about being single, being marriage hungry, ect. And I think to myself, “You are (insert age starting in a 1 here!) How could you possibly want to settle down already??” Not only do they get married young, they get engaged/married within 6 months of MEETING each other. Now personally, I don’t understand how you could know someone that well after only half a year. I mean crap. They could be a serial killer and you would have no idea. But seeing how Utah is a major LDS (Mormon) state, I guess it makes perfect sense to most of the people here. This state was built on that religion so it does play a huge role in what the young minds of Utah think. The LDS religion is really big into family and eternal marriage. I just feel as if the entire goal in Utah is to get married and start a family as soon as they possibly can.
Personally, I wanted to wait. If I lived in a perfect world where I was in charge, I wouldn’t get married or I would get married from in between 25 and 27 and have a family at 30. I want a career established first and then possibly create a family. I got married at 21. That is young. But Kyle and I knew each other since freshmen year and had been dating for a year and a half before we got married. And we eloped. Best decision ever. Unfortunately, I had already bought a dress before then so now I have to have a recieption so I can wear it. 
Now I will admit, I record every episode of Say Yes to the Dress and Four Weddings and watch them religiously. I get extremely giddy at weddings and during click flicks because I really am a hopeless romantic. It is really embarrassing actually. And I’m not going to lie to you, I look ridiculous sitting there with a stupid grin on my face. I realize this totally contradicts my previous paragraph! I think I like watching people more than actually doing it myself. But as much as I love watching my shows, I never wanted to get married young. It scared me to death! But I lived and I love Kyle so it works. I still want to go out and travel the world do humanitarian projects. I don’t feel like I can do that if I have to worry about taking care of a family so hopefully I can do that before babies.
Just make sure it is the right person. A lifetime is a long time to live with that decision! And if you are Mormon, it’s even longer. I only think divorce should be used in special cases such as abuse, addiction, cheating and such so my marriage better work out because I am not a fan of divorce. I’ve had a lot of abusive relationships, which doesn’t help my skittishness. My rap sheet isn’t too good either which might contribute to my uneasiness. My relationships are an average of 2 months long. I tend to date people who are marriage hungry. Oops. Not kidding, 4 out of the 6 guys I’ve dated have wanted to marry me after one month. One month! (I am not too sure why they think I’m such marriage material because I really am not. But whatever.) After so many near/actual proposals, I tend to freak out when the month mark hits cause that is when the question usually creeps up. (P.S. Kyle waited a year to ask because I told him straight up that I would say no if it was before that.)
Ya know, you don’t need a significant other to complete your life. Yes, sometimes they are nice to have around and that is perfectly fine. But I don’t want any of you to base your entire level of happiness upon whether or not you have a ‘love life.’ If you do that, you aren’t truly happy. You need to love yourself before you can love anyone else.
What is your opinion on this? You know my stance on it, I want to see what everyone else thinks! Comment, email or use facebook to leave your thoughts on it. Also, let me know what your story is so I may research this a little further: married at age 22/met in college, single and proud, looking for a man, ect. Thanks guys! You are all so fantastic!
Love, Mika.

Friday, July 15, 2011

A Decade Worth of Memories.

I was thinking about it the other day and realized, Kaeli and I will be celebrating our ten year anniversary this August! CRAZY. (And after all these years, you would think we would have a picture with us together but alas. I failed at locating one.) I moved about a lot as a child. No, my father was not in the military, we just like moving or something. This makes her my oldest friend that I still hang out with! But basically she, along with my one other friend, were the first ones I met here in Utah and then managed to maintain a good relationship. So I am doing a post just for her! Oh ok and the rest of my lovely ladies who read this blog. :)

So, Kaeli has these big, beautiful brown eyes that I absolutely love. Plus, she has this skin that is phenomenal. So I wanted to do a makeup look that embodied her fun, outdoorsy and hopeless romantic side but also complimented her skin and eyes. The Perfect Makeup=Personality+Complimentary Colors. (If only we learned that in Chemistry.) No matter what trend or style you want to rock, make sure you put a bit of yourself into it. Otherwise, you will be a little cookie cutter and no one wants that! Now, I shall proceed with instruction for this Gold and Brown look!

What you need:
-gold eyeshadow
-dark brown or a bronze eyeshadow
-peachy/rose shimmer eyeshadow
-plum pencil eyeliner
-black mascara
-fluffy blending brush
-dark pink blush
- your favorite eye shadow brush
-peachy/pink lipstick
-nude lip liner
-brown eyeliner/brow corrector

Step 1:
Apply the gold color from the lash line to the crease.

Step 2:
Put the dark brown in the crease. Slightly wing it out. Step 3:
Next blend them together a little so they seem more smooth. Then, take the rose colored or a peachy shimmer shadow and apply to the imside corners of the eyes and right up to the brow bone.Step 4:
Line your lower water line with the plum colored eyeliner. You may apply to the top above the lashes as well if you want a little more drama. If you do, I would wing it out as well, but only slightly. I also added a little mauve shadow to the bottom lashes just to bring out the plum a little.Step 5:
Top off with your favorite mascara. Curl your eyelashes as well!

On the left, we have Kaeli with her default smile face. She is rarely seen without it! On the right, I made her stop giggling so you can see the makeup better.

Step 6:
For foundation, I like to just use powder with this look. Now highlight your cheeks with the blush. But remember, unless you are taking pics, go easy on it. :)
I paired this look with a pink shirt and jean capris. Flats are fantastic and if you don't have a pair yet, get some. Seriously, it is a wardrobe basic. Who is your oldest friend and how did you meet? Also, did you try out this look? I love it for summer! It gives me a sunset vibe. Thanks for reading guys!

Love, Mika.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Okay people who may or may not think I am pathetically out of shape, here's the deal: Regardless of what you think I am proud of myself and excited. I ran 1.1 miles. Outside. Tonight. Up til now I have only been running .5 miles. I am getting better! YEAH! Also I played some soccer tonight. I'm not very good at soccer. But I played :) and I actually kicked the ball a few times. It was fun. I got a job at Subway. I work sometimes in the mornings and sometimes til 11:30 at night, so it's getting harder to keep a consistent running schedule and I'm having to get creative with my times and types of exercise, but I am definitely improving. How is everyone else doing?
p.s. I'm 1/3 of the way to a 5k!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

True Love.

Even supermodels get insecure and have body image distortion. From time to time, I get self conscience and I struggle a little with my new face. Now when I say 'new face,' I am not referring to plastic surgery. (I have never had any elective surgery such as a nose job or boob job ever! And I don't really plan on getting any.) Last year, I had a very... insane experience involving an escaped convict and a cinder block to the right side of my face. I will most likely post the entire story at some point so you'll just have to be patient until then! So anyway, back to the point of this post.

I sometimes get down on myself because of my new look. Its hard having a new face after 19 years of having the same one. And don't get me wrong, I have done really well with it considering all that has happened! But I am still human so I have my moments. This week I have been thinking about it quite a bit/obsessing with my old facebook profile pictures. (Stupid facebook. It is so obnoxious!) Anyhow, I was laying in bed one night and thinking about it and perusing, when a memory popped into my head that made me think twice about my moping.

A few months after my run in with death, I was sitting at my dinner table just crying by myself. The kids were in bed and my parents were away. I was doodling to pass the time and had drawn a picture of my new face with my name under it. It was a little bit exaggerated but for the most part, it was pretty accurate. I went to the bathroom to clean up my awful tear streaked makeup and so I had left my picture on the table. When I came back, my younger sister Ayumi, had wrote, "is beautiful" right after my name... which sent me right back into another fit of hysterics. That simple little gesture of love STILL means the world to me. I don't even think she realized how much I appreciate it.

Everyone has moments of self loathing. It happens. When you do, make sure you have a person who makes you feel happy. It does not have to be a 'significant other' either. Don't have anyone? email me. I will gladly help you talk it out. Now, if you have these moments all the time, please do some re-evaluating. You ARE beautiful. Homework time! Make a list of everything you like physically about yourself. You have to have at least 5 items on your list. Next, write a list of all the personality traits you like about yourself. Again, you need five things. Now, take the list and post it on your mirror. DO IT. Right now.

So, do you have any experiences similar to mine? We will add them on here. Also, check out! Its like FML but for optimists :) I really do love this site. I visit it when I'm feeling a bit down. And remember, there is more to beauty than looks.

Love, Mika.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Getting in Shape. Update.

So I'm actually running outside now! And going a little further than half a mile. Just under 7/10 I know it sounds pretty pathetic, but I'm making progress. Anybody else out there still working with us? How's it going?

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Today, I am going to be writing about what happens in the shower. Don't get all in a tizzy, I'm just talking about washing your hair. (Also, give it up for my little brother Mataki for sportin' a shampoo mohawk.) So for about... 18 years of my life, I washed my hair the same way. (Note: This was when my hair was really long.) Step 1, shampoo the entire head and then rinse. Step 2, condition the entire head and rinse. I then went to my hair dresser one day and she asked me how I washed my hair. I explained and she basically said I was committing a hair sin. :/ Oops. Then, she clarified how I should be doing it.

First off, you are only supposed to shampoo your roots. Do not shampoo the ends because they are already dry and adding the shampoo just makes it worse. Don't worry about the bottom still being dirty because when you wash it out, the suds from the top will get all the dirt at the ends. After you rinse, just condition the ends of your hair. If you get the top, your roots will be weighted down and your hair will lack volume. At the end of your shower, blast your beautiful tresses with cold water. Why would you do this? Because being uncomfortable for a moment or two means shiny hair.

I tried this and I could immediately tell a difference! Before, my hair was really stiff and I have extremely thick hair so I had a major triangle shape going on. After, my luscious locks became softer and had so much movement I didn't know what to do with it! I was spinning and smiling and flipping my hair so much I honestly felt like I was in a hair commercial. I can't even tell you how many times I heard, "Um Mika... what are you doing?" Not gonna lie, it was a little embarrassing at times. Worth it? You bet it was!

Also, make sure you alternate every so often between brands of shampoo. Using the same one all the time can cause your hair to 'grow immunity' to it. I like to switch between Dove and Garnier Fructis. I also really love the one from Costco but I don't live near one so I don't usually get to use it. Garnier smells fantastic and Dove makes your hair super silky. Also, don't be afraid to mix shampoo types such as volumizing shampoo and straight 'n smooth conditioner.

Now, before I leave you today, please enjoy this great video of an excellent prank involving shampoo. I am not quite sure how to upload a video yet but here is the link!

What is your favorite shampoo? Got any more tips for washing your hair? If you tried this method, how did it work out for you? And if you are feeling really bold, video a hair commercial for us! Happy showering ladies.

Love, Mika.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This is a link to Kandee Johnson's YouTube channels she basically does amazing make-up tutorials. Check her out. She's super legit.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Use Lotion !

Hey Everybody,
So I know Mika already made a fabulous post about taking care of your skin in the sun. But today, I've been out trying to pick up a little bit of a tan. I promise I'm not a hypocrite... I used sunscreen. I still need to be careful I know. But it's just not attractive when my arms are 5 shades darker than my legs. Anyway, as I was out trying to tan (for very short periods of time) I was thinking about how you look so much darker when you keep your skin hydrated. So if you are feeling like your tan isn't as even and pretty and dark as you want it to be, before you go fry in the sun, put on some good moisturizing skin lotion. Keep your skin healthy and Hydrated, it's more radiant that way.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Challenge Accepted.

So you all know that Kaeli and I are getting into shape! Those of you who are saying, "But Mika, you are already skinny. You don't have to do this." Oh yes I do! Being skinny is not the same as being in shape and/or healthy. I am on heart medication right now because my heart beats extremely fast, even when I'm sitting. I am thinking not exercising is part of the problem! Yes, I am skinny but I am so out of shape it's embarrassing.

So I agreed to do the exercise challenge along with Kae. Now, for those of you who don't know me, (oh gosh I sound like I'm giving a talk in church) I am suuuper lazy. Like, its ridiculous. Example? I make my sister tie my shoe because she is 'closer to the ground.' So for this whole 'getting into shape' plan to work, I gotta step it up!

Now, I decided I am adding to the challenge. Write everything that goes into your stomach down in a journal. (Yay middle school food diaries!) Not only do you need to be specific on what it is, but you need to be specific on how much it is. Otherwise, this is a complete waste of time. The reason for this is to see exactly what you are putting into your body instead of mindless munching. Also, along with your food entries, you need to be counting how many glasses of water a day you are drinking. Water is basically the single most important thing you can put into your body. In fact, it has so many health benefits that I am going to do a post on it. In addition to water and food, write down how much exercise you did and what it was.

Everyone has different preferences on how they want to do this chart or list or whatever you decide on doing so do what works for you. If you get stuck on how you would like to do it, you can always google search it! (Thumbs up for Google! It is the answer to all of life's questions.) If you find one you really like, please share with the rest of us! :) You are all so great! I can't wait to see what goes down.

Love, Mika.

P.s.- We are now on Facebook so go forth and suggest friends and like the page! Thanks dolls. :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Breaking the Laws of Fashion.

Everyone knows black and brown can not be worn together. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG. Today, I totally mixed them! I was a little hesitant to try it together so I did it by mixin' my eyeshadow! It made it more subtle so I wasn't so freaked out. And I have to say, I am absolutely in love with the combo. I think its a fantastic look for going out at night or if you are just in the mood for something darker/more dramatic. I wore this look to Groovefest, which is a festival held in Southern Utah where a bunch of bands from all over come and play for a few days. Besides the entertainment, there is food and vendors with excellent prices on their homemade trinkets.

For this look you are going to need:
-a dark brown eyeshadow
-a black eyeshadow
-light brown eyeshadow
-regular brush
-thin/flat brush
-fluffy blending brush
-eyeliner in black

Sorry guys! I didn't take pictures of every step because I didn't think about uploading this post until it was already on for half the day. And the makeup isn't too advanced so words should be enough. If not, comment below or email/facebook me and let me know.

Step 1: Sweep the dark brown shadow from your lashes to your crease with your normal eyeshadow brush. Make sure to get it well into the crease because most of the brown will be seen here. Also, line your bottom lashes with it.

Step 2: Grab your thin, flat brush and load it up with the black. Run the brush right along your lash line and ever so slightly, blend upwards into the brown.

Step 3: Highlight the inner corners of your eyes and the space between the brow bone and crease with the light, shimmery brown. Blend.

Step 4: Line your waterlines with your eyeliner. I favor black but a black brown or a brown works beautifully as well. Top with mascara.

Please excuse my especially pale face in this picture. I photograph extremely white.

Outfit Ideas:
Casual Summer: I wore this with a raspberry/maroon t-shirt, a body conscience jean shorts which hit around mid-thigh and gold sequined brown gladiators.

Night Out: Leopard print pumps, white skinny jeans, and a looser fitting blouse which I'm thinking should be in a non-neutral color. Add chunky metal jewelry.

Weddings and other dressy occasions: I personally would opt for a darker colored dress. No neutrals though! If you are going dark, get a plum or navy color. If you are feeling bold, try a metallic dress. Black heels would be best. If you can not do heels, try a cute gladiator sandal.

How did your look turn out? We'd love to see pics! Send them to and I will post some of the entries! Thanks for reading and I promise I will stop slacking and post more often. :)

Love, Mika.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm on Day 3!

Hey Guys! I am on day three of trying to get in shape. I've gone two miles all three days, I know that's a little pathetic, but this is just the start. I'm only running half a mile to start and then I walk the rest but today I tried to speed back up to a run on and off throughout the whole thing. I'm drinking lots of water, and trying to watch what I'm eating. I did get ice cream last night... but ya know, you can't just cut everything delicious out of your diet. The key is to exercise control right? So for those of you starting out or following along, just keep in mind, you don't want to punish your body, you want to slowly build up to your goals. Especially if your goals are weightloss. The more consistent you are, and the the longer it takes to come off, the longer it usually stays off. Now on that note, don't let that stop you from setting your goals and meeting them don't let the weight come off too slow. For those of you just trying to exercise more and get in shape, just remember that you have to be patient with yourself. Don't give up if it's easy right away, and don't try to push yourself harder than necessary, a little push is good, but too much will burn you out and discourage you.

So is anyone following along? How 'bout just doing your own thing? Come on guys, post comments! Let us know! And I'm still wondering who wants a facebook page or who is willing to really just get in and comment on the blog?
Good luck to everyone! Keep up the good work.
Thanks for reading.

Monday, June 20, 2011

We're Getting in Shape!

Okay guys, here's the deal, to those of you who are exercise gurus we'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this blog. You're probably already be-you-tifully in shape. Although this post is about getting in shape, that doesn't get you off the hook, we want you to hang in there and read this post. Believe it or not, you can still get involved in this one. Ready? Okay here we go!

I'll step aside and address the rest of us for a moment. You know, the people like me who want to get in shape, who intend to get in shape, but we're still less toned, 5 or 10 or 15 pounds plumper than we wish we were, or just plain not as active as we want to be. Here's the deal, we all know it, we've heard it a hundred times, not to mention that common sense voice in our head is screaming "all you have to do is decide to be dedicated." So we're going to start listening to it right now. Everyone repeat after me (read this line out loud):
I __________(insert your name here) have decided this very moment to get in shape. I am dedicated to my decision and I will do whatever it takes.

Now take a deep breath. Did that feel good? Good okay carrying on. EVERYONE (fitness gurus included) listen up now.

Mika and I have decided that we are going to blog about our journey to get in shape. Why? Well because if we have 14 readers (yeah we wanna get that number up) following our blog and therefor our fitness journey, we're going to be a lot more motivated to succeed. This makes sense right? So now what we need from you "THE AUDIENCE!" (off-the-cuff anyone? haha okay waste of a joke) is for you to:
A) Join us and let us know how you're doing. We want you commenting on our posts, posting your goals online encouraging us, yourselves and each other.
B) Just check in, tell us to keep up, ask questions about it, you know just keep us on our toes.
C) This one is for the fitness Gurus: We want your encouragement and advice and all around support.

Does it sound like a deal? I sure hope so because we are counting on you. Let's get started. I'll let you know right now, that I just ran half a mile (I know it's not much to brag about, but it's my start) and then I walked 1.5 miles at about 4 mph this was on the treadmill. I plan on walking with my mom in the mornings every day from now on to.  That's my plan right now, I'm working on adding more.  We can all start simple if we need to.

Also, please comment below: Who is actually going to participate on the blog? and who would be more likely to participate if we made a facebook page? Let us know!
Let's get going!
-Kaeli (and I suspect Mika too, we were talking about this earlier today.)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Here Comes the Sun.

School is out, summer is coming and you know what that means. Frolicking in the newly found sunshine! (And yes, I just used the word 'frolicking.' Just wait, it will make a comeback this season.) But it also means it’s that time of the year to use protection... for your skin! You guessed it. The Sunscreen Post. All of you are probably sick of hearing the constant lecturing on the subject so I'll just make it a quick and painless reminder rather than a Sunday School sermon.

I really wanted to do a post about sunblock because it is super important that you protect your skin! You can argue, "Oh come on Mika, cancer won't happen to me. Its just old people." LIES. Skin cancer can happen to anyone at anytime and let me tell you, medical bills don't come cheap (insurance or not.) Wouldn't you want to use those thousands of dollars on something fun like a car (or a few fabulous pairs of shoes,) rather than something that could have been avoided?

You know what else the sun does to your skin? Premature aging. I don't know a single girl who wants to look like she is part African Elephant in the near, and I mean very near future. I will agree, tans are so hot! They make you look more toned and if you have one, you aren't going to blind anyone if you are really white and you get in your cute swimsuit. (I'm dead serious about blinding people too. It has happened on multiple occasions.) But wrinkly leather pretending to be skin is in no way, shape or form, sexy. I mean, just check out this little boys face below.

You can have a nice glow about you for the summer! Go with spray tanning. It is a safer method and is relatively cheap. Go to a local tanning salon and ask about their spray tans. If you uneasy about showing your bare necessities to a stranger, check out do-it-at-home products. Just be really careful with these because despite what Jersey Shore says, looking like an Oompa Loompa is not sexy either. I hope everyone has a blast this summer and remember to practice safe sun!

You know the drill, post comments and/or questions. Got some sun tips? Let us know! :)

Love, Mika.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Walk the Walk.

What makes Victoria's Secret Angels so sexy? No, it is not their body. (Ha! Who am I kidding? Their bodies are FANTASTIC.) But I'd have to say it's their... walk. Have you ever noticed how sexy their walk is? I have! And the great thing about their walk is that you can do it too! All you need are some cute heels and a full length mirror.
My biggest pet peeve is when girls waddle in heels. So today I am going to try to teach you how to work them heels! How high is too high? Well, I personally like to stick around the 4.5-6 inch range. Anything higher ventures into stripper heel land and we wouldn’t want to have that.

-Have a mirror up at the end of a hallway or a cleared room. Start at the opposite end of the room/hall.
-Stand up as straight as you can go! Chin up and shoulders back. (Who knew all that nagging to have good posture would actually be necessary later in life?)
-Pretend you are walking on a straight line or like you are a cat. Cats walk with one foot in front of the other, heel-toe, heel-toe. Hence, the term catwalk. If you decide walking on a straight line is a little too sexy, you may walk with your feet a little further apart... but not much!
-Take long strides. If you don’t, you will look funny. I know not everyone is blessed with mile long legs so ‘fake it til you make it.’
-Don’t bend your knees or you will look wobbly and shaky.
-Walk toward the mirror so you can see how your body moves and try to mimic a catwalk. But put your own spin on it. :)
-Secret to rocking heels? Confidence. Trust me, people will notice if you look nervous or scared. If you look like you don’t belong in the shoes, you don’t.
You can also do this in flats to add some sex appeal to your walk. If you don’t feel comfortable in 4 inch heels yet, start out with a kitten heel or a platform shoe. To wear heels all day, invest in some inserts! They are lifesavers. Also, if you get a shoe with a ‘hidden’ platform, they will be way more comfortable than shoes with a thin bottom.

There you go my future Angels! I hope this helped! Feedback is welcomed along with questions or comments. Thanks for reading guys! You are all fantastic people. :)
Love, Mika.