Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Chop.

Before I made the cut.So a couple years ago, the above picture ^^^ is what my hair looked like before I cut it. It was so long! It was about 6 inches past my shoulders. So why did I cut all my long and pretty hair?? Well, it is a long and sad story involving a controlling ex boyfriend and a need for change. Not to mention, it was a touch damaged. Ok, maybe it was a lot damaged so I decided to chop it. My inspiration was Emma Watson! (Go figure.) Isn't she just so wonderful?

Audrey was the one who talked me into this actually. She has always wanted to pixie cut her hair but decided against it and lived through me. Which is totally fine because I like being dressed up. Human Barbie here and totally have embraced it. Shortly after I realized that I wanted to cut my hair, My friend (who happen to be my ex boyfriend too) told me he was going to Evan Hair School and he agreed to chop it for me! This is how it turned out:

I really love my long hair AND my short hair. You are totally allowed to vote if you want. I am growing my hair back out for my reception (and Kyle likes it.) But I think I will be back and forth with my short hair throughout my life. 

Do you guys have any drastic hair transformations for me?

Love, Mika.

1 comment:

  1. New commentor here. My friend Faelynn posted a link to your blog on Facebook. And I'm friends with Anna. Anywho...they are both beautiful, but the short looks so sassy and light and easy! I love it :) So cute!
