Thursday, May 16, 2013

Elementary Face Care.

I do not usually participate in "Throwback Thursday" but today is a special exception. I saw something on Pinterest that made me stop and consider if it actually worked. Remember how back in the days of elementary, you would smear your hand with Elmer's glue and then peel it when it dried? First off, how did our teachers not get mad at us and take away the glue?? It was a major distraction and it got every where. Secondly, it made your hands smooth. So when I saw the pin about using Elmer's glue as a face mask, I thought it was so brilliant that I swear I heard angels singing.

I did just that. I applied a thick layer to my nose and chin and let it dry. I used my hair dryer to speed up the process because I was eager to see my results. It dried and I peeled it slowly off. I must admit, I was not expecting much. With this being said, I was not disappointed by how it turned out. It  worked!! What?! Yes. It did not clear as many as I would have hoped but it did clear out quite a few blackheads. No matter what I do, my blackheads never seem to go away. I've had them for as long as I remember so I am pretty happy with a bunch gone! 

THANK YOU genius who pinned that wonderful idea. I think I will let it air dry next time. Maybe that will make it grip better?? *shakes head* I am going to definitely keep up on this! Try it. 

Love, Mika.

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