Wednesday, September 19, 2012


And all the beauty articles say, (including us)  "Love your insecurities! Embrace your flaws!" Truth is, it can be so darn hard to even like them! Everyone has features that they don't feel comfortable with. I am built like a Barbie and I still have things I dislike about me. For instance, I absolutely loathe my ears. I am extremely self conscience about them and rarely put my hair up. I still get teased about how big they are so I rarely put my hair up. And it makes me so sad because I love showing off my cheek bones and I love up dos.

So what is my point? It is OK to not like something about you! Just don't let it stop you from doing things you love. You can always work around the undesirable areas. I work ponytails now by teasing my roots a little before I tie it up instead of slicking it down so my ears are half covered. There are always solutions.

Don't give up. You ARE beautiful. Just gotta learn to work what ya got! :)

Love, Mika.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


While I was on Pinterest today, I came across a facial scrub that claimed to remove blackheads. I have been looking for a blackhead mask so I tried it!

It was made of 1/4 cup milk and 1 tbs baking soda. You are suppose to mix it and apply with a soft makeup sponge to the biggest problem areas. I was lazy and didn't want to get a makeup sponge so I just used my finger to mix and quickly apply to my face which worked just fine. I worked it into my face and I must admit, it felt really cool. I then wiped off the mixture with a wet washcloth but was a little surprised at how scratchy it felt while I had the cloth on my face. (With my finger, it felt very soft because of the fine grain of the baking soda.)

After I wiped it all off though, I checked my blackhead situation. To my (not) surprise, I still had a multitude of blackheads. But I did notice my face felt insanely smooth and super soft. The baking soda did a great job sloughing off all the dead skin. 

I use baking soda religiously now. And on my entire body. I use it on my hands, my legs, my face. I just keep it in a container on my bathroom counter. It makes everything so silky smooth. I don't even use it with milk now. I just throw some on my wet skin, rub it in like soap, rinse and lotion up! Moisturizing is very important after especially on your face because its gets really oily if you don't. (A light moisturizer works just fine for oily skin.) Hello beautiful skin just in time for summer. :)

I now swear by baking soda. I suggest it to everyone at work because we always have gross hands from washing them so often/cleaning. And it is really cheap! Who knows a good blackhead removal mask? Also did anyone try this/what were your results?

Love, Mika.