Tuesday, December 31, 2013

These Shoes Are Made For Walking.

Apparently it has been a few months since I posted... Oops. My apologies! This year for Christmas presents, I decided to make shoes for all the girls at work! They (and by they, I mean all of us,) have a slight obsession with shoes and lucky for them, I redo shoes! So here are their shoes.
These are Tauni's shoes. Tauni is a cowgirl to the max so I did a version of the very popular trend Burlap and Lace. She is preggar's so she can't quite them yet but the wedge style is great for beginning heel walkers. (;

These are JayLynn's shoes. (My last post was on her.) Her taste is very similar to mine so I had no problem working on these wedges. They have leopard print and lace with pink tulle laced up the side.

These are Brenda's shoes. I made her's with plum ruffles and hounds tooth print. Plus, the mary jane style is easy to walk in.  

These are Janette's shoes. She always wears a cute polka dot shirt to work and so I did these so I could match her shirt. They are peep toe and who can resist bows?

These are Lillian's shoes. She is a little lady not even reaching 5 feet tall so finding shoes in her size was a little ridiculous. But I did like the metallic embellish and how they turned out. :)

Okie dokie! That is that! Starting in January, I will be charging for shoes. I do a case by case basis price wise but I can tell you that if you already have a pair of shoes that you want redone, then it will be cheaper! If you want me to do shoes for a wedding or a school dance or a random special occasion, email me! mikafredrick@yahoo.com I can quote you a price depending on what you want done. And I can usually have them done in a week. :)
Love, Mika. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hey Sexy Girlfriend! JayLynn Cooke.

So this beautiful woman is my friend and Assistant Manager over me at the bank. I can not even begin to tell you how amazing she is. She is so strong and a wonderful friend. Plus, her obsession with shoes may exceed my own so we get along beautifully.
I got a text from JayLynn on my day off. The gist of the text was basically, "Hey I look hot. You need to come see my outfit!" And I replied with, "Obviously." Because let's face it, she is so cute all the freaking time! I went in to the bank and almost fell over. She said she looked hot but holy hot mama Batman. I immediately told her I had to have a picture to blog about. The outfit is adorable and so versatile! You can wear this EVERYWHERE. Store, work, date night, church, family pictures, your living room... possibilities are endless.
First off, she is mixing prints and rocking it. The skirt is obviously striped. It is in black and white which makes mixing waaay easier. You can't really tell but the shoes are a blue and black leopard print. They are also 6 inches but shockingly comfortable and easy to walk in. Leopard and stripes are both considered "neutrals" in the fashion world so work them together! The skirt is amazing. It is tight enough to show off curves and flatter but loose enough to be lady like. It also hits below the knee so you can totally wear sky high heels with it and still be appropriate and classy and hot and feminine all at the same time.
This shirt is... incredible! I want one!  You can wear it multiple ways which is a nice way to get more bang for your buck. (Wait... is that phrase in reference to prostitutes?? Who came up with that saying?? Let's pretend it is about fireworks! .......) Back to JayLynn! The detail on her shirt dresses up the entire outfit and creates a great focal point. And it gives great shape!
And let's address her hair. This is some of the most kick a hair ever. Seriously! She is rocking the short hair. This is grown out a bit from a Mohawk and doing it very gracefully. It makes me want to chop all my hair off every time I see it. She has texture up in there to add a bit of spice and to change it up enough so she doesn't get bored.
Conclusion: Jaylynn is fabulous and I am very grateful for her in my life. I absolutely love her and I am so happy to be getting her to know her better. And spoiler! We are going to be going into business together! More on that to come shortly!
Love, Mika.

Winged Shadow.

This is my finished product! It is a great date look. I wore this to work but if you aren't that brave, save it for night time. :)
So today I tried a new makeup technique. I have known about it for a while but I haven't really tried it. It is winged eye shadow! Whoop whoop. And guess what I discovered? It is AMAZING. And it takes 1/100th of the skill that winged liner takes. Score. So let me tell you the steps to the perfect winged shadow!
1. Apply black (or a dark color, I am wearing a matte black color in these photos) all over your lid. I made mine a little lighter in the middle and darker toward the crease.
2. Apply more black in the crease of your eye. Extend the black by dragging the outside half of the shadow from the crease up to the end of your eyebrow. Blend.
3. Now take a baby or facial wipe and make a diagonal swipe from the corner of your eye to the end of the eyebrow. I like to use my fingernail to make the wipe have a sharper edge. See the sharp edge?
***Note: Another method is to use tape to make the sharp winged edge. Tape off the edge with Scotch or masking tape and apply shadow. You can also hold a business card or piece of paper up while you apply your eye shadow for a neat edge.   
4. I then rimmed my waterlines with a black pencil. I then used a purple pencil on the bottom underneath my waterline/ lower lashes and smudged it. I would encourage you to use a bright color on bottom because it definitely steps up the fun factor.
5. Pile on mascara! Because mascara rocks and every girl should utilize this amazing beauty tool. :) And I usually don't wear mascara on the bottom lashes, but I did today and I am in love! My eyes looked so big.  

Ta Da! Done. My camera is terrible so you can't see the purple very nicely but I promise its there! 
Try this look and tell me how it goes! I want to hear. Also, if you don't use baby wipes, you need to. NEED. They are magic! They are super cheap and super effective. Plus, it is a lazy girl trick. Throw some on/in your night stand and you don't even need to get out of bed to take off your makeup. Because lets face it, ain't no body got time or energy to go to the sink.

Love, Mika.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

It's A Boy!

Today, I will address men's fashion. Dun dun dun! The handsome young man to the left is my husband Kyle. And he is looking pretty darn snazzy in his getup if I do say so myself. :) Kyle's inner Doctor Who definitely came out on this one and he worked it.
Kyle's outfit works on many levels. Church, teaching, any event where should be a little dressed up, presentations, ect. (He wore this to church.) He is mixing brown and grey which is looked down upon by most people but it is totally working here. Neutrals are being mixed and he added a pop of color with his dark denim colored/navy/royal blue shirt. And for a dash of cool, a bowtie. Bowties are cool.

The key to looking put together is fit. If your clothes don't fit, you will not look good (that applies to both women and men's fashion.)
Love, Mika.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Wash Your Face Sonny.

So when I was working at the Tavelodge, I would watch a lot of TV because, well, we had TV and lots of time. I would see a Proactiv commercial literally every three commercials. It was ridiculous. Then I finally broke down and ordered some out of sheer boredom and irritation. So these are my results!

I really love it. I saw results in one week! I feel like my skin is softer and smoother and the coloring on my face is becoming more even and less patchy and red. I also got the Blackhead Dissolver Gel. I can't see a major difference with it but I am hoping after a while that it will start working a little better. All in all, I highly recommend this product. I only use it once a day or every other day but I still see results.
What do you do for your facial routine? I wanna know!

Dear Mothers and Future Mothers.

Dear Mothers and Future Mothers,

This letter is to all past, present or future moms or anyone who interacts with children on a regular basis. As many of you know, kids are extremely impressionable. They pick up on EVERYTHING. That swear word you just said? Heard it and repeated. The candy bar you snuck in before dinner? Saw it and tried it the next night (and probably got in trouble.) Now, these are all very obvious things. But what is not so obvious is what you say without thinking. I'm talking about body image comments.
We all do it. We all say things like, "I wish I was taller!" or "I used to have a nice figure like hers when I was young. Now I'm just gross and fat." Kids pick up on these! How are we supposed to teach them good body image when we say derogatory towards ourselves? It doesn't matter if you say it half jokingly either because children can't usually tell between sarcasm and what is a legitimate sentence. For example, when you say you are fat, your little girl is going to grow up thinking that your body is the standard for being "fat." Chances are, she will have your body type and then think, "Well, if mom is fat, I must be too." And if you are thinking that you are safe because you have all boys, think again. They are going to grow up and they may think that their girlfriends/significant other is fat/unattractive or whatever. This is not ok. Kids are programmed to love how their mother looks. They KNOW from a young age that they have the most beautiful mother on the planet. Don't change that outlook.
Ladies, we need to stop saying mean things about ourselves. Your little girls look up to you. Media only plays a miniscule part on molding their perception of beauty compared to you. You are their role models. Let me rephrase that so you all understand completely. YOU ARE THEIR ROLE MODELS. You. Must. Stop. If you have a hard time stopping, make a goal that you won't say it in front of the kids. Baby steps! Once you have mastered that, stop completely. Changing the way we all perceive ourselves starts with us.  None of us want our children to grow up thinking that they aren't enough. It is not fair to them. Please, please, please think about it.
Plus, the less mean you are to yourself, the happier you will be and the better mom, wife, friend, sister, ect you will become. And while I am on the subject, moms: Please take care of yourselves. I watch What Not to Wear every chance I get. I love both the physical and the mental transformations that happen. Don't let yourselves go. I always feel a million times better on my bad/sad/gross days if I get ready, even if it is just a little mascara and a clean outfit. I promise you will have more energy and feel like you are the most awesome person alive (which, let's face it, you are! Work it.) You are amazing creatures and you do so much for your family and friends so start treating yourselves like you deserve. You wouldn't send your kids out looking like a hot mess so you shouldn't either!      

I'm just saying. I really do know what I am talking about and I don't mean to sound like I am lecturing but I just want you all to be the best you can be because you are incredible and I am grateful to you.

So the challenge this month is:
- Stop belittling yourselves.
- Take a few minutes for yourselves each day.

I swear to you that this will enrich and improve your lives greatly.

Tons of love,


Friday, August 9, 2013

Fantasy Meets Reality.

I would have chose eternal slumber over this. Of course, eternal slumber sounds amazing compared to four hours of sleep every night!
I was scrolling through good ol' Facebook when I came across an article. The article was about princesses who are stuck in reality. What? I wasn't too sure on what it meant so I clicked on it, read the article and looked through the pictures. I was flabbergasted. I love it! You must take a peek by clicking HERE. Let me know what you think! I would love to reenact this in a shoot. I think this would be so fun!
Also remember to like us on Facebook! Or you can comment on here. :)
Love, Mika


Life has been... hectic. I quit the center so I have been job hunting like mad. Kyle and I landed managing a hotel and surprise! We hate it. So we put in our two weeks notice and I have been freaking out trying to find a job! Unemployment is not a good look on me. I get stir crazy and spend money I don't have to feel better. Bad Mika! But this hotel business is not a good look on me either. Kyle and I wait up until all hours of the night waiting for people to check in and then get up at 6:30 to put out breakfast. Talk about stressful. Either way, I was still applying everywhere and hoping. SUU called me for an interview and then called me twice to tell me that I didn't get it. Thanks SUU. Just reject me twice! Not like I had feelings. :P
And just when I thought there was no hope, I got a call from State Bank and I am now a part time teller! I am so excited! I get to sit down, not wake up at 6:30 and I get to dress up every day! No more tank top/cardigan/jeans/dirty socks combo. So keep an eye out for new outfits to come! I probably wont post every day but I will be doing more posts than once a month. Again, I apologize for that! But when I am not checking people in, I am taking a nap or cleaning. Please send me outfits that you have put together! I have a new email mikafredrick@yahoo.com :)
Love, Mika.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Reverse Discrimination.

These are my eyes. The one on the left (my right eye) has permanent damage so my pupil doesn't quite dilate properly. I am not 100% sure why I chose this photo to represent this post. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that my eyes are different sizes and that could possibly represent different perceptions. Maybe I just think of the saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Maybe it makes sense in my head at 3am and I am just going with it so you should too eh.

I wasn't really sure how I wanted to word today's post. I feel like I came off a little conceited in some parts but I promise you, I did not mean any of it in a boastful way. I am merely trying to make a point about being nice to people. Also, I am not targeting anyone specific in my post so if you think I am talking about you, I probably am not. It is just thoughts about the general public. So without further ado, my post.

I won't sugar coat it, I really lucked out on my body. I have a Barbie body. I have a 36-24-36 on a 5'11 frame. However, it can be both a curse and a blessing. Before you start jumping down my throat about how it could never be a curse, I will explain. People with the 'ideal' bodies are often treated poorly. Yes, some special treatment is received occasionally by strangers but a lot of the times, people hate on you! And not just any old people. It is usually friends or coworkers or even family who does the hating. I am not that girl who just thinks that everyone is jealous of me. To this day, I still think people don't notice me or remember me because I just don't think I am that awesome to be gawked at.
(Again, sounding a little full of myself but please continue reading!)

I can't tell you how many times I have been told, "Man, I hate you! Who looks like that??" or "Eat something! You can't be full after three baby carrots." I have even had girls tell me that they didn't want to hang out with me because of the way I looked. What?? I wish I were making this up. Its a lonely life when girls tell you they hate you all the time/avoid hanging out with you because of how you look. It is just plain ol' mean. I would NEVER tell anyone that I didn't want to hang out with them because they weren't a size 0. If I did that, people would think I was the biggest b*tch in the whole world. But when it is reversed, it is sociably acceptable. It makes no sense at all. Why should anyone be allowed to criticize someone for the way they are built? I can't change my body type. I can't control how much food fills me up. My stomach shrank considerably in the hospital because my jaw was wired shut and then wouldn't open past three millimeters for six months.

There are days were I feel like crap because of some of the remarks I hear. I am pretty good at shaking it off but some days I just get super self conscience about it or I go home and want to cry. These things are hurtful even if you don't mean them that way. My father in law always stands up for me when people start commenting and I appreciate it a ton because I am too chicken to say anything. 

I am not saying I don't do that too. I look at girls and think, "Ugh. She has the cutest butt. I want that butt." And then I mentally covet their body for the entire time they are in my sight. So I hate on people too. But here is the thing. Hating on people is fine! It is ok! As long as you keep your mouth shut. Compliment them instead of saying hurtful things. When I am feeling catty and start hating on others, I have to take a step back and find out why I am unhappy and how I can change that. We attack others because of our own insecurities. Also, I find that complimenting others (as often as is not creepy) helps me feel better about me. And bonus because they go home feeling good about themselves instead of depressed over being bullied. We need to start changing the way we interact with each other because life is hard enough without all the negativity. We don't know other people's internal monologue is telling themselves so what may be a tiny, innocent comment could be the straw that broke the camel's back.

I challenge you to compliment and praise instead of harassing/making snide comments. Then report to me! I guarantee that you will feel better about yourself and you will be happier in life overall.

Love, Mika.

Day 35 and 36.

My hair is finally back to my favorite red velvet cake color! I forgot how much I loved this color. If you are looking for a new summer color, this one is it. It works on every skin tone every created and its so fun! Plus, red heads are always in. My outfit consists of a stretchy black v neck with a purple tank and a ruffled teal skirt. I love this skirt so much! Probably because of the ruffles... it just feels so flirty and makes me want to spin. Fortunately, in this pic you can't see the layer of pancake batter spilled down the front of it. I was only eight minutes into my shift when I whisked the batter too vigorously, causing it to seek revenge. I paired it was polka dotted heels! 

This look I wore to work too. Ignore my awesome background. My room is so tiny that is is very cluttered even when it is clean so I do my best. It also has awful lighting. Normally I would not pair this skirt with a shirt that matched my hair but I was running super late this morning and decided it would go better with it than an orange shirt. I would usually pair this skirt with one of my twenty teal shirts but I wanted to stay away from my high school colors today even though it is a really awesome combo. I also paired these with black velvet pumps. I didn't show them today because you can imagine them and they are really plain, black shoes. I found this skirt at Urban Outfitters! It also comes in a rosy color. Very pretty! 
Love, Mika.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 34... And Vanishing.

I wore this number today! It was really hot today and I didn't have to go into work. So today Zachary and I went to Groovefest! Groovefest is a festival held in Cedar City every summer where smaller bands from all over come and play on an outdoor stage in the park. We had lots of fun. This dress is covered in metal dots. Just an FYI, metalic details are so in. Especially on shoes. studs, metal plating, you name it, it is huge.

And in other news, I discovered a product in the hair world that is basically the greatest thing since conditioner. It is called vanisher. It lifts all the color from your hair without damaging it way bad like bleach does. It is a little more expensive but TOTALLY worth it. You do look like a slight ginger for a bit but its not carrot orange so that is nice. Try it next time you go from dark to light! I did it because I was going from a black back to my red velvet color and I sure missed it.

Love, Mika.

Day 33.

Once in a while, I have wonderful inspiration from the fashion gods. Today was one of those days. I love this outfit so much. At first, I was going to just wear a black tank with my blazer but then a little voice in the back of my head was like, "Nah, it might be hot at work so just wear a v neck so you can take off the blazer if it does." Well, my inner voice knew what it was talking about. I got to work and was informed the AC was broken! I could have died. It was 82 degrees and I was going insane trying to cool down. I finally had to put frozen vegetables on the back of my neck so i could cool down enough to function. 

You can't see, but my shoes are my blue suede ones that I was looking everywhere for for two years. (And just for the record, when I was shopping I saw tons and tons of blue suede heels. I am kind of bitter that NOW they come back. Why couldn't it have been years ago??) 

I am going to tell you again how much I love maxi skirts. They are just as comfortable (if not more) than pajama pants. Try them! I promise they are so worth it. They are light and airy and made of a wonderful stretchy material. Think of your yoga pants or your leggings. Now think of them dressy and cute but still insanely comfortable. Ta Da! Maxi skirts. I am sure maxi dresses would be exactly the same. I have never owned one of those though due to my ridiculous height. They don't make them long enough for me to wear heels with! And if I can't wear heels with it, then I won't get it. If anyone does know where to get one, let me know! 

Like always, love, Mika.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 31 and 32.

I almost repeated an outfit yesterday. Almost. It really was a close call. I was had a really bad night and it had carried on to the next morning. Kyle and I both had the day off and decided to go to St. George to shop (see last post.) Getting dressed took me like an hour. I wanted to wear something cool but I also wanted to wear heels just in case I found a dress... and my feet hurt when I walk around in flats. I know, I am insane but I have high arches and heels just feel better! Back to my point, I was struggling with my outfit. I finally decided on black jeans and heels with a black, floral shirt. Kyle then shot me down telling me it would be "too hot." Being in an emotional state, I was not happy. So I changed. Again. And threw a fit. I then threw on this:
 Not too shabby. I got to wear heels and a skirt. Plus the white shirt was way cooler than the black shirt. I quite like how it turned out but I am sad I didn't get a picture of it on.

Today, I wore my new DI skirt with a red shirt and wedges. I love this skirt! I am not too crazy about the color or the pattern but I love the style. It is flowy and it is twirl-tastic. I had a reddish brown eye shadow on my top lid with eyeliner on my upper waterline and mega lashes. I did not apply any makeup to my lower lid. I decided to change it up a bit. I also had red lipstick on earlier but it rubbed off on my Loaded Potato Grillers from Taco Bell. If you have not had one, get one. It is cheesy, bacon-y, potato-y (like fries) deliciousness wrapped in a tortilla and grilled. Get one. Best creation (besides their nacho cheese Dorito Locos Tacos.)

Love, Mika. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Rejoice Odd Bra Size Wearers.

Look at Ariel and her sisters all confused about where to get bras that aren't shells.
Today, Kyle and I went shopping to find clothing for our wedding announcement pictures. We are already married so we can't call them 'engagements' but they are going on our reception invites. Overall, our trip was pretty successful. We found Kyle a shirt and some dress shoes at Kohl's for an awesome price and then we headed over to the thrift store! 

Now, DI has never really disappointed me. I usually find something when I go. This time, I was looking for a fancy ish dress for our pics and didn't find anything! I actually found a really pretty wedding dress though. (Too bad I already have mine!) I also found a ton of ankle length velvet turtle neck dresses. When was this 'in??' There were a ton and they were all horrible.

I left a little sad. But I had a mission and I was not to be deterred. So onward we drove to the sad and pathetic mall in STG. I never go into Dillard's. Ever. Because I am a poor girl living in a high priced world. We walked maybe ten paces when we passed buckets of bras on sale. "Oh they probably don't have my size. No one does." I think to myself. But I checked anyway because I noticed a 32D and that was really close to my size. I rounded the table and lo and behold, three bins of 32DD and one of 32DDD. I literally could have cried I was so thrilled. I dug through the mountains of lace and straps and found 12 that I really liked. Luckily the store didn't have a limit on how many items I could take into the dressing room at a time. Otherwise, I would have made a lot of trips. I ended up getting nine bras for $120. For me, this is the best deal I have ever struck. Usually I can only get two bras from Victoria Secret for that price and they usually are nude colored and don't fit all that awesome. They are never frilly or cute! Every bra I got was between $9 and $14. Best day of my life! I am still reeling over how awesome it was to find bras that fit! 

Dillard's had quite the selection in both styles and sizes. You can online shop for some HERE. I saw all sizes including 30DDD and 34G. I personally like to go in and try them on because I have a weird body shape but if you love ordering things online, go for it! Bras there are a little more pricey but like I said, I got a great deal from their sale. Totally worth checking out. 

 Not a 'standard' bra size? Where do you shop for your bras? Comment so we can all expand our bra collection! I will also try to list the stores that you comment on in the article so that everyone can see. Thanks girls :)

Love, Mika.

Day 30.

I thought I'd never get here! Goodness. I mean obviously it has been more than a month but this is the 30th day of me getting dressed and ready for the day. Let me tell you, getting out of bed and presentable every day is exhausting. But being a person who is of age, I really don't have a say in the matter. And I might as well get dressed dressed instead of walking about in my jammies. (I'm looking at you awkwardly clad Wal*Mart goers.) 

Without further ado, this is my outfit.

My brain was very adamant that it wanted to wear this outfit today even after I told it we already wore this blazer/shoe combo. And being OCD, I complied to my brain's request one one condition. We wore a different shirt and pants with it. The last time I wore this, I had a gray scheme going on. Gray skinnies with a gray leopard print top. So I decided to go the complete opposite of gloomy gray and came up with the hot pink shirt and white jeans. I had forgotten about my white jeans because I never wear them (for fear of staining them.) I just wear these jeans when I don't go to work AND when I am no where near my period because it would be just my luck to bleed all over them. Ewww. But today I wore them despite going into work. 

Also note how my head is cut off. I was making a weird face but this was the only picture out of like ten tries that didn't have a dog blocking me. So off with my head. But my makeup was really cute today so here is what it turned out being: 

Simple winged liner and pink lips. I also did my velcro rollers and a french braid on the left side (extending from my hairline to my ear) but you can't see it in my pic.  And just as a random thought here, I totally figured out why people take pics in their car. I always thought it was stupid but the truth is, the lighting is FABULOUS. Seriously. It has just enough cover that your picture isn't harsh but enough light to make you glow. 

Love, Mika.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 28 and 29.

Yay for messy rooms, crazy faces and dirty shirts! So today, I was trying to find a shirt to wear with my new $5 skirt whose hem I forgot to iron. So I rummaged through my closet and couldn't find this brown v neck. So, I went through my dirty wash. (I realized that my family is basically the only people on planet Earth who call it a 'dirty wash.' I guess everyone else calls it 'the laundry' or 'the dirty clothes hamper/basket.) Back to my point, went through my unwashed clothing and found my shirt. I smelled it and it smelled perfectly fine. I couldn't remember wearing it so I spritzed it and threw it on. Halfway through my shift at work, I went into the bathroom and noticed an awesome lotion stain on my shirt. Then I recalled why I didn't wear it and why it was dirty. The other day when I did want to wear it, I splattered lotion all over my arm and my shirt. So I got to walk around with an awesome stain on my chest all day. Lesson learned.

This outfit is one of my favorites. This dress was $30 and worth every penny. It works well for dressy and casual events (depending on how you accessorize it.) I bought it originally for my friend's wedding. I paired it with black booties, greyish purple tights and a heavy metallic necklace. For work, I pair it with gladiator sandals and a thin necklace or bangles. I just can't express my love for this outfit. It has structure but has enough stretch to smooth everything out. I strongly suggest getting a dress like this because I promise you will love it and want to wear it every day! 

I was throwing up last night so I am not writing a ton today due to my nausea levels. But thanks for reading. :) 

Love, Mika.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

What is Real?

Lately there has been lots of controversy on what a 'real woman' looks like. I hear many people say, "Only real women have curves!" But what about those of us who don't? Are we figments of your imagination? Or worse! Are we fake? I have been on both sides of the argument here. I was athletic and straighter than a ruler for nearly 18 years. Then I got curves. And let me tell you, I can work both very nicely. 

It just really bothers me that people tell women contradictory things. Fashion says, "Be skinny and be beautiful!" while the world says, "Curves are in! Have curves and you are real!" Then there is the side where everyone is saying that girls with muscles aren't pretty to look at. What?? What is a young girl supposed to think? No matter what she looks like, there is no way she can win. 

Personally, I think muscular girls are dang majestic. I mean, holy cow! You are a freaking disciplined, trained piece of machinery that can do things with the human body that I can't even fathom doing! You go girl. You work that athletic powerhouse of yours. Kudos for all the hard work you do to keep everything working smoothly and like it should. I have noodle-y limbs so seeing dancers and gymnasts and such move gives me goosebumps.

 You skinny girls pay attention now. You are the cutest, tiniest things! I just want to keep you in my closet as my pets and feed you M&M's through the door. Which.... sounds really creepy..... so I won't but I really do think you guys are adorable! And you can pull off so many outfits! That deep, deep v dress? No worries about it looking slutty. It just looks super chic. Jealous! Work that wonderful, wiry frame. There is nothing you can't wear and look awesome. I am a sucker for bones too. You can work cheek bones and collar bones and hip bones and spines like its nobody's business. Rock what you got.

  Curvy girls turn. Curves are amazing! I love them! And they can really work in your favor for certain styles. Ever heard of pinupgirlclothing.com ? They are curvalicious girls who work those hours glass bodies with grace. Plus, I feel like you can be super sassy to people and no one would question it. Maybe that isn't your thing but I feel like it would be an awesome trait to have. Men also like a little something to grab so that is a definite advantage! ....If you are into boys. If you are into girls, well then I guess you have to figure that out by yourself and report back. I have no experience there and can't really help you on that. Either way, if you go look at ancient works of art, being curvy (and naked) was very in and very beautiful to look at.

Yeah, obviously I just love all body types. I think the human body is stunning! Its really a shame that being naked is so sexualized. I have seen some really wonderful nude art and I actually would love being apart of it one day but I feel like it is looked at as porn anywhere in America. In Europe, they are a passionate people but art is art! Why can't the U.S. have more of that mind set? Maybe if we thought like that, people here wouldn't be ashamed or embarrassed by their bodies. Maybe if we changed the way we look at others, we can change our own perspectives about ourselves. I don't know, its just a thought I'm having here. Whether it is a genius thought or a mad one, you may decide.

Point is, no matter what your body looks like, just love yourself. How can you expect anyone else to if you can't? It takes a long time and you will have days where you just hate it but I promise, it is a great thing when you do. So much stress and worry just disappears and then more attention can be put on more pressing matters. Life is a lot more enjoyable when you feel good and you are happy with who you are.
Please remember, losing/gaining weight to look better is totally fine, IF ITS HEALTHY. Don't be stupid about it. Being healthy is way more important than being an 'ideal' size. After two weeks in the hospital, I lost 20 pounds. Great right? No way. It was awful. I looked like I had been living in a concentration camp and I could hardly walk down the hall to pee. And running? Bahaha! I would basically trip after two steps and face plant it. It was a little funny very sad to watch. Losing ten pounds a week is so harmful to your body. If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Just lose a little at a time and focus on being healthier and feeling better.

We just need a little love in this world. We need to change our mind sets and feelings toward ourselves. This is my blog so I get to say whatever I want on it. I am just hoping that what I say will have a positive effect on my readers. 

Love, Mika.

Day 27.

Day 27 brings us a very cheap outfit indeed. Shirt was $5 as well as the skirt! The shoes were free as well as the necklace. Yay! Also I am rockin' a new hair color. It is like a strawberry brown and I will be wearing it for a few days to give my hair a rest. And that is all that I have for today!

Love, Mika.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Lips As Red As The Rose.

So now that I have permanent teeth that look all awesome, I like to show them off by framing them with lipstick! I love playing around with different shades but my favorites are plum and classic red. Today I will be giving you the steps to the perfect red lip. 

Step 1: Prep your lips. If you have dead skin hanging out on your lips, use a scrub or some baking soda on them and slough it all off.

Step 2: Moisturize and foundation. Slather chapstick on. After a few minutes of letting it "soak it," you have a couple options of what to do next. If you have done your whole foundation routine already, go to the next step. If not, you can just put foundation/concealer around your mouth to make the color pop more. Plus, you want a nice clean line. Make sure you blend well so that you don't have an awkward line around your mouth. It should look a little something like this. I set mine with powder as well. You can see that I got a little foundation on my lips too. It is fine because it will just help the pigment stick.  

Step 3: Outline with lip liner. Get the entire perimeter of your mouth. If you don't have a cupid's bow (the little dip in the center of the top lip,) and you want one, draw one on. Remember that foundation that you put on earlier? It will help camouflage a straight upper lip. If you are using a different color lipstick, you can either use that color lip liner or a nude liner. I always use nude liner for any other color but red. Just make sure you use a liner so your lipstick doesn't bleed. 

Step 4: Fill in your lips with the same liner you used in the last step. This helps keep the lip stick on longer. You don't need to fill in if you have a nude liner. (I mean, you can but it won't do much.) Do fill in for any other color. Now, you can also use different color liners under other lipsticks to make a cool combo. Experiment a little! Find your signature shade. :)

 Step 5: Fill in with lipstick. You can either apply with a brush or the actual stick itself. Applying with a brush gives you more control but a stick works just fine if it is a newer stick with a nice edge.

 Step 6: Clean up your mouth. Wipe any mistakes up with a q-tip. Then take your finger and close  your mouth around it.This will get the excess on your finger instead of your teeth. You can dab with a tissue on your entire mouth and apply another coat of lipstick or you can leave it be.

Go enjoy your new pout! Work that lipstick! You can apply gloss over it for a shiny look but I think matte red is super sexy. Let me know how it worked out!

Love, Mika.

Help Me I'm Poor.

I am pooooor. I work for a non-profit organization that doesn't pay much and my husband works for a movie theater. Yeah. But I manage just fine. I do have a weakness for buying clothes though. However, I do not spend money that I do not have. Debt is awful and I never want to end up there! "But Mika, you buy lots of clothes and shoes! I thought you said you were poor!" Yes, I am poor. Yes, I buy lots of clothes. Let me tell you a secret: I hardly ever buy things full price. Thrift stores and clearance are my most favorite places to be. Let's throw some tips your way to look awesome for a fraction of the price. 

1. If you can alter it easily, do it.
I buy lots of skirts that are from like the 80's that are a super awkward length and possibly an awkward floral print. And I absolutely love them! I chop off a good portion of the bottom and hem it and viola! It is a brand new, awesomely printed, just-above-the-knee length skirt. If the print is awful and the fit is amazing, buy it and dye it. Dye is a great way to help a bad print/color out. Find skirts/dresses at thrift shops that have sweet prints or that fit amazing and alter it.  

2. Clearance is your new best friend.
This is my store hunt ritual. I look around the store at the new, high priced items and gather ideas for revamping older styles or new outfits. I then head to the sale part of the store and see if there is anything there worth picking up. If there is and I absolutely have to have it, I will get it. If I am not really in love but I really like it, then I will wait and see if destiny puts it in my path later on in clearance. Then I make my way over to clearance. Browse, love/hate everything and try on. If it fits nice and gives me good shape, in the cart it goes!

3. Be picky.
 Being picky makes my wallet so happy. I will walk in a store, pick up 15 different things and leave with 0-3 purchased items. If I don't absolutely love it, I won't get it. It has to give me a good shape, be versatile, and be a good price. Ah and personally, if I can't throw it in the washing machine after a long day at work, its a no go. If any of those requirements are not achieved, I leave it on the shelf. 

4. Have limits.
 I have a strict price range for each clothing item. Very rarely do I go over the predetermined amount. I am not sure if I came up with these because I'm cheap, or if I actually have a point. Either way, this system works for me and everyone needs to find one they can manage. The following prices are amounts that I can not exceed for the corresponding items.

Shirts: $5-$10
Jeans: $25
Skirts:$10 (I like the $5-$7 range though)
Underwear: $1-$2 (Rue 21 has great deals on panties)
Tanks: $5
Bras: $50 (Unfortunately, I have a stupid bra size so mine don't come cheap)
Socks: $10 for a pack of 7-10
Heels: $30 ish MAX
Boots: $40
Jackets: $30-$40
Jewelry: $5
Nail Polish: $2
Makeup: $10

And usually I don't even come close to those amounts but like I said, they are a general guideline. Occasionally, I will find something that is higher than my limit. When that happens, I hold it for a while around the store and if I can't put it back/will think about it all the way home, I get it. Now mind you, I don't get all these things all the time. I will just buy a shirt here and a pair of shoes there. Or I will wait a year or two, save, and just go crazy and get everything all at once.

 5. Ask for a cheaper price.
Sometimes items will have a rip or a stain on it that can easily be fixed. Talk to an employee and see if you can get a small discount. Usually its about 10% - 15% which isn't a ton, but every little bit helps. If the stain has no chance of coming out or if the tear/hole would look terrible even after being fixed, do not get it! Wait for something else to come along.

6. Coupon it up.
I don't coupon but I do know a lot of people who do. Subscribe to store emails or catalogs and save those coupons! They really do add up. I often go to a shoe store in University Mall in Orem, Utah called Forever Young Shoes. They have punch cards! For every 8 pairs you buy, you get one free. I once got seven pairs of shoes for less than $100 once. That was a combo of regular priced, clearance, sales and free punch card shoes. Their shoes are cheap but have good quality too. Its great.

7. Splurge vs Save.
 I do recommend buying cheap unless a few situations arise. One, if you love it and will cry on the way home, get it. You only live once so make the most of it. Two, if it is something you will wear all the time, you will get your money's worth and need it to be a touch more durable which may cause it to be a little more. Really contemplate if you will wear it constantly so you don't spend more than you have to! Three, classic pieces (like blazers or a white button up or a great pencil skirt) need more quality and need to be classic, not trendy. Invest in these pieces because if you pick the right pieces, you will have them forever. Work shoes are also a good example of this. If you are standing all day, every day, make sure you are comfortable and you can wear them all the time!

8. Analyze and Prioritize.
Every once in a while, analyze your closet. If you have 20 stretchy v necks, you probably should buy anymore! Seven different teal shirts? No. Mas. Figure out what is missing in your closet and search for those things. Good things to consider are shape, color, fabric and style. Have a lot of flowy skirts? Opt for a form fitting one. Have a multitude of slouchy sweaters? Get some structured jackets. Closet over flowing w 4 inch black pumps? Quite frankly, you can never have enough of those. But do get some other shoes like the bright pink wedges or a glitter peep toe.

9. Swap.
 My neighbors like to give my family clothes that they don't want anymore. Some of the stuff has the tags still on it! Its awesome! With five girls in the house (living close by,) we love it. Its like Christmas happens every couple of months. But with that many girls, there is bound to be some trading and bartering. My one sister Ayumi and I borrow each others clothes all the time. And everything that I don't want anymore, I give to Kiyomi and Mariko. Plus, I rummage through my mom's closet for any 'vintage' accessories that I might find. ;)

10. Sell your old, unloved stuff. 
This advice combines the Analyze and Swap parts of the tips. Go through your closet and pick out the pieces you don't wear anymore due to it not fitting or you just don't wear it as often as you thought. You can sell it on Ebay or Craigslist. Our town has a blog shop group on Facebook that we can sell and buy stuff on for great prices. I got a free washer and dryer from there and a ton of other cool stuff for super cheap. Garage sales are also great! Get some friends together and have everyone bring stuff they don't want anymore. Have a party! My friends give me free shoes all the time because they know I love them and would wear them or make them over. There are so many options! 

And if you can't find anything to do with those old clothes, donate them! One persons trash is another's treasure. And those of you who dis on thrift stores or wearing second hand clothes, poo on you! Just kidding. But seriously you are missing out big time. Just give it a try! I promise it is worth it. And one last tip: dig through those bins/racks at thrift stores. The best things are always hidden between awful things that no one should own.

Love, Mika

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 24, 25, 26.

 Before I get into the usual beauty blog stuff, I just wanted to say thank you for the THOUSANDS of hits on my last post. Seriously, it was incredible how many people read and reposted it. Out of 16,000 view, 6,000 were that one post. What?? I lead a sad, sad blog. I will try to write more inspirational stuff every now and again because I do believe in inner beauty as well as outer presentation. It is a total bummer when I meet a really cute person who is super rude. You give pretty people every where a bad name man! Represent. Plus, everyone needs a little pick me up story once in a while. 

Disclosure on the pictures! I forgot to take pictures while I was wearing the outfits so I just laid them out and snapped a couple of low quality pics real fast on my wrinkled sheets. So please forgive me! I know its a lame excuse but I did just have surgery and four root canals this week. And just as a side note, root canals ROCK. I love them. The only thing that sucks (at least for me) is the shots before it. Otherwise you can't feel anything and all the excruciating pain you experienced before the root canal? Completely gone. It is the greatest feeling in the world. I am so grateful for technology and nice dentists/assistants. P.S. for those of you who don't know what root canals are, all they do it take out the nerve in your tooth. Good bye sensitivity! Adios pain from infection! If I had known what it was earlier, I would have done it years ago. It literally kills your tooth so it will turn brown/black later down the road, so if that is a concern, get it capped. And always talk with your doctor.

Lately in my town, it has been rather hot and a bit windy. I did not have to work for a couple days this week so I got to wear some of my leisure pieces. AKA the 'I don't have to worry about looking unprofessional at work' stuff in the back of my closet. It makes me sad because I never get to wear these things due to my insane work schedule. But to the left is a chevron print black and gold dress which I got on clearance at Forever 21. (I think.) All I remember is that it was less than $10 and makes my body look awesome. The material is a sort of crocheted overlay with a black jersey underneath so it is great for keeping cool and easy to wash. It does like to catch on doggy claws though so be careful around animals! And keys. And hang nails. Basically you want to avoid anything that can catch on it and rip it. And to be a little more modest, throw a jacket/shawl/ cover up thing on it with a belt.
 This next outfit is one of my new favorites. I love the versatility. I wear it in the winter with black tights and a leather jacket. In the summer I leave it just like this. Sorry the picture quality is so awful. But basically, lace form fitting pencil skirt with a v neck and tank top paired with a belt and statement shoes. I love these shoes. They are so comfy! They are like 4.5 inch and have a giant bow on the side. Oh and did I mention they are so easy to walk in? The belt and shirt were free, the skirt was clearance and the shoes were bought for a wedding. And the tank was like $5 from Wet Seal. Definitely hit that store up for tank tops and stretchy v necks. They always have sales and they are long tops! And if you are tall and skinny, they make jeans for you that don't cost an arm and your first born! :)
So by this point, I was getting tired of picture taking. I totally forgot to take a picture of my necklace that went with it so imagine with me as I paint a mental picture of it to you using my excellent vocabulary. The necklace has multiple clear strings with tiny, gold beads on them. The strings get longer toward the bottoms so it is almost bib shaped. I swear it looks way better than I can describe. And it really echos the metal tones on the shoes nicely and adds a little edge to the blazer. I paired it with jeans and a black v neck. The shoes were free. Blazer was $17 ish. Overall, not an expensive outfit.

So I have asked before, but I've not had a great response on it, what do you like/don't like about my blog? What do you want to see more of? What do you want me to write about? Feedback is excellent. You can write it on my blog's Facebook page or friend me and tell me. You can email me at mikafredrick@yahoo.com or mikascott13@yahoo.com :) Thanks!

Love, Mika.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Day I Almost Became A Memory.

Three years. It has been three long years since my life took a drastic twist. I got a new face, a new outlook and a new life. June 9th 2010 was the day I was nearly murdered. It is funny how many small details I can remember about that day. I can remember the song that was playing in my head and what I was wearing. (For the record, I looked darn cute. I had the perfect outfit. Still bitter about that.) 

I will spare you the super gruesome details just because they are hard to hear and I don't want to ruin anyone's wonderful Sunday. The general story is that a random stranger decided to escape prison, rob me but when I had nothing besides excellent Raspberry Lemonade Chapstick, (which he didn't want... rude) he tried killing me a couple different ways and basically hid my body in some bushes and trees. Unfortunately for him, he didn't realize it is extremely hard to kill me. Apparently I have a tough head and a lot of angels rootin' for me. That and the fact I am eerily calm in high stress situations. 

Right before I blacked out, my last thought was, "I'm going to die." I was surprisingly ok with that considering my testimony about God was not all that awesome at the time. I wasn't sure what was going to happen because I had never been close to dying before. All I knew was what I had seen on movies. Which thankfully, none of Hollywood's predictions were correct. When I woke up three hours later, Freddy did not come to get me, (which was a big relief because that movie had just come out and my roommate had only told me about it and I was quite freaked out.) I did wait for my grandpa to come get me because for all I knew, I was dead and heaven looked just like Earth. My grandpa died just one month before my attack. Looking back, it was great timing by God. I definitely believe that my Grandpa Bo was helping protect me. There is no way I could have lived without some help from higher beings. 

After chilling there on the ground, I decided that no one was coming for me and I was still alive. A couple thoughts crossed my mind just then. First: my mom's voice drifted into my head. She always said, "A mother is not supposed to bury her children!" I heaved a sigh and agreed that I probably shouldn't die just yet because my mom would be super bitter for the rest of eternity. Second: I could lay here and die BUT I really didn't want flies to come eat me before I was dead. Eww. And dying seemed like way more work than just getting up and going to the hospital. 

At this point, I had no idea I was injured. I knew I was bleeding and sexually assaulted but that was it. I could feel broken teeth too but all I could think of was, "Great. Another thing I have to pay for." I attempted to crawl back to where people were. And seeing how I have the worst luck in the world, I crawled the wrong way. So after I back tracked, and got my clothes covered in mud (still bitter,) I eventually found people to help me. More specifically, Sam, Cami and Conner. 

I knew I probably wasn't all that pretty to look at so I was extremely worried that they thought I was playing a prank on them. I explained as best I could that I was not pranking them and that I needed an ambulance. Luckily, they believed me. Conner and Cami called 911 and Sam sat with me. When the cops showed up, I told them all I knew and to call my roommates and parents. Last thing I remember was them cutting off my clothes... and you guessed it. I am still super bitter. It was my best bra and favorite shirt and jeans. 

 Hospital. My head is considerable smaller in this pic than it was when I first got there.

Doctors say I should have had brain damage. I was never supposed to see out of my right eye... or even have it for that matter. But here I am. No brain injuries. Right eye can still see. I told the doctors early on that I could see out of it but they didn't believe me for a few days. The two weeks that I was in the hospital were wonderful and awful all at the same time. The doctors and nurses were the nicest, most amazing people I have ever met. But I looked horrible and that was hard to come to terms with. 

I have never, ever been angry at Mr. Leonard. Ever. Forgiving him was never even conscience thought for me, it was just automatic. I have been sad over my physical appearance because let's be real, I hit the genetic jackpot and now that was messed up. Perhaps God needed to remind me that looks aren't everything. He also had to remind me that he is there and he knows what's happening.

My lasting injuries are mild compared to what it should have been. I have double vision when I look certain ways still and my heart is stupid now. I lost 20 pounds in the hospital but that has been gained back. I finally got functional and beautiful teeth again. It has taken three years but I finally got them. I can't even express how thankful I am to every one who helped me. All the doctors, nurses, firefighters, police, detectives, judges, lawyers, and everyone who fundraiser for me and prayed for my family and I. Even you physical therapists. Not everyone loves you and I'll admit, I didn't like walking around but it was for the best and you were really nice and I appreciate what you do.

All my missing teeth! I look like Gollum.

The phrase, "Be careful what you wish for" is a saying for a reason. My dad wanted time off work and boom! I was injured and his boss gave him the two weeks off that I was up there. It had always been my dream to change the world in some small way and boom! I did. All wishes come with a price. If I had to almost die for mine, then so be it. I don't regret any of it. If I got a do over, I would still let it happen. So much good came from it. I put a murderous drug user in prison forever so no one else can be hurt.

Through this experience, I have learned a ton of things. My faith in humanity was restored. So much of the community was concerned and helped financially. I couldn't believe how wonderful everyone was. The police and detectives (especially Detective Taylor) worked overtime to help bring me justice. I can hardly wait to see them again and show them all what I actually look like and to again thank them. I had some nurses come sit with me in my room and do paperwork just so I would have some company. They would also bring me tons of mashed potatoes and gravy because that was one of the only things I could eat with my jaw wired shut. All the doctors and surgeons I've seen have all been so compassionate and helped where they could.

I still can't believe how lucky I am. Everything in my trial seemed to fall into place. Shawn Leonard is now in prison for life with no chance of parole. My case was the very first one in Utah to have that sentencing without someone actually dying. I hope this case goes into law books and people use it for other trials. (P.S. if anyone sees it in a book, let me know. I want one.) And if you really want to know more of the gross details, you can Google 'Provo Survivor June 9th 2010. There are news clips and articles and such. If you do check it out, make sure to find the one with my Chapstick quote. It is my favorite.  My mom and I changed the law about criminals getting tested for HIV before they are sentenced instead of after so the victims don't have to take nasty and expensive HIV pills. We are currently also trying to change the law about people being sentenced to prison for life without parole for attempted murder so that the 'almost dead' don't have to be afraid of the perp getting out and trying to do them in again.

I did not write this post because I want sympathy because I hate it when people tell me they are sorry for what happen. I'm not. Crap happens! Hard times shape  you as an individual. Who doesn't want character? You have to be beautiful on the inside and then the outside. Our test in life is to see how positively we respond to negative experiences. I'm not saying you can't cry once in a while. Just don't dwell on the bad parts. Try to find the silver linings or figure out what lessons that you could learn. I know from personal experience that you heal a whole lot faster if you are positive.

Nearly back to normal :)

Love, Mika.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 23.

Floral print shoes, 100% cotton skirt and a stretchy v neck. I have said it before and I will say it again, I love florals. And I love skirts. This skirt wrinkles really bad but I love it. It is my most expensive purchase from DI that I have ever made. $8 for it but it was worth it. I have a nude tank under my v neck. I would have really liked ankle straps on my shoes but I have not worked on this pair yet. 

Love, Mika

Day 20, 21, and 22.

I can't believe its day 20 already. Well, kinda. Also I missed a couple days when I came back from up north. But I am back on top of it and here they are! 

 I love hiking inspired boots. I have a couple pairs. This particular one is bright, neon red with brown trim. I paired with an obvious red and brown shirt and jeans. I know it wasn't creative, but when you are busy packing and such, there are more important things I have to focus on.
 I love my leopard blazer. It is super comfy! I paired it with a green tank today. I usually put a brown or a black tank under but I felt like it  needed more color. I also had white and tan heels to keep it neutral. You got to be really careful with leopard print. It is really easy to look trashy so I try to stay with conservative pieces. Don't be afraid to wear it with bright colors! Just be more covered if you do! :) Or don't. Quite frankly it is up to you. This is just my personal philosophy.
Leather is my absolute favorite fabric along with lace. Leather is very versatile. You can look sexy or bad A or fashion forward. Red and black is also one of my favorite color combinations as well. My over the knee boots are new and I can't get enough of them! I'm now an addict. And this is my favorite leather jacket. It ties at the waist and gives me a great hourglass. (I should have cinched it for you but I forgot.)  

There you go! Sorry it took so long. These are all taken at my old house. I now live with my in-laws til we find a new, cheaper place.

Love, Mika.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Featured: Shannon Lloyd.

Today I am featuring my beautiful friend Shannon! She works with me at the center and we went to high school together. Not to mention, she is a total sweet heart and has the greatest sense of style. (Maybe she will take a pic every day and let me show you all!) She also runs a refashioning blog which you can find here >>> fashionshenanigans.blogspot.com :) She is brilliant. I absolutely love looking through her stuff and seeing what she can do with odd things. 

She sent me these pictures that she took of her outfit. Below is her makeup! Simple liner and mascara. You can dress this look up with red lips or keep it low key. I really like this makeup because it is excellent for outdoor activities. It is absolutely perfect for family picnics (especially if you are meeting a significant others parents!) On a serious note though, this is a wonderful summer look from head to toe!

 Onward to the dress! I am infatuated with this dress. Red polka dots and a cinched waist? Sign me up. Plus, the thick straps keep you cool, covered and supported all at the same time! Awesome. You can easily dress this up with bold accessories or heels/ wedges or keep it dressed down for working with kids (like we do! All day. Every day.)

I wonder if I can convince her to make me one. (; Every one go visit her blog! I promise, it is definitely worth your time. And feel free to email me your pics so I can feature you! If we have never met, write a short description about you so I can include that too! :) Thanks guys!


Love, Mika.

Friday, May 24, 2013


I have not been posting for a while and I will not continue to post for a few days. I've worked five shifts, I will be having two surgeries and I am moving. Talk about stress inducing. So I apologize for the delay and will continue once life settles down again. :)

Love, Mika.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 19.

I love this outfit so much. I never get to wear it because I am always working. The skirt is made of suede so it is dry clean only.... meaning it doesn't get worn at work. If I can't throw it in the wash, it doesn't go to work/get bought. My mom found me this skirt at DI one day for $3. At first I laughed so hard at it. Then I actually looked at it and my reaction changed to, "Hold the phone. Where is the check out line because I am never parting with this." The entire tag is in some Asian language that I can not decipher. My dad confirms that it is not Japanese. His best guess was Korean. Either way, no idea what company made it, how to take care of it or even if it is real suede! This skirt is extremely impractical for every day wear but would be great for photos. It has absolutely no stretch whatsoever so sitting is pretty much out of the question. And don't even get me started on stairs! I need a running start. :P 

Love, Mika.