Sunday, June 26, 2011

Challenge Accepted.

So you all know that Kaeli and I are getting into shape! Those of you who are saying, "But Mika, you are already skinny. You don't have to do this." Oh yes I do! Being skinny is not the same as being in shape and/or healthy. I am on heart medication right now because my heart beats extremely fast, even when I'm sitting. I am thinking not exercising is part of the problem! Yes, I am skinny but I am so out of shape it's embarrassing.

So I agreed to do the exercise challenge along with Kae. Now, for those of you who don't know me, (oh gosh I sound like I'm giving a talk in church) I am suuuper lazy. Like, its ridiculous. Example? I make my sister tie my shoe because she is 'closer to the ground.' So for this whole 'getting into shape' plan to work, I gotta step it up!

Now, I decided I am adding to the challenge. Write everything that goes into your stomach down in a journal. (Yay middle school food diaries!) Not only do you need to be specific on what it is, but you need to be specific on how much it is. Otherwise, this is a complete waste of time. The reason for this is to see exactly what you are putting into your body instead of mindless munching. Also, along with your food entries, you need to be counting how many glasses of water a day you are drinking. Water is basically the single most important thing you can put into your body. In fact, it has so many health benefits that I am going to do a post on it. In addition to water and food, write down how much exercise you did and what it was.

Everyone has different preferences on how they want to do this chart or list or whatever you decide on doing so do what works for you. If you get stuck on how you would like to do it, you can always google search it! (Thumbs up for Google! It is the answer to all of life's questions.) If you find one you really like, please share with the rest of us! :) You are all so great! I can't wait to see what goes down.

Love, Mika.

P.s.- We are now on Facebook so go forth and suggest friends and like the page! Thanks dolls. :)


  1. If you have a smart phone and access to apps my fitness pal is great for tracking food water exercise. it totally stopped by fast food twice a day habit. And I love your blog

  2. Thanks! I almost want to get a smart phone just for that app!
