Wednesday, January 25, 2012

But Why Jenna Marbles?

As of recently, I started watching Jenna Marbles on Youtube. Jenna is a blonde Youtube comedian. She is a bit foul mouthed so all of you followers who are under (at least) 16, I forbid you to watch her. And those of you above 16, I am just warning you that she swears so watch with caution. Most of her videos are really funny but she occasionally has some serious ones with her opinions on various topics.

I came across the following video last week and it really made me think a little. In the video, she explains why girls hate each other so much. Much of what she is saying makes a lot of sense! So here is the video. It does use language! (This one isn't too bad but really its up to your own personal choice.)

You know, she has a point. It is constantly pummeled into our heads that we aren't good enough! And guess what? Wrong. Everyone telling us we are not pretty enough or talented enough or cool enough can go die in a deep, cold hole filled with spiders. Lots of spiders.

I had one high school teacher who didn't crap around and told people how it was. I learned more from him than any other person! Half way through my senior year, he got super sick and we all thought he had died because he just dropped off of the face of the Earth. But just before he left, he said one thing that stuck with me quite a bit. He told us everyone had one thing that they were made for. (Or something along those lines...) Since then, I have thought and thought about what my 'thing' was. I still haven't the slightest idea but I am quite determined to find out.

Reason I bring this up is because Jenna mentions that everyone is an individual and has one thing that makes them unique. If everyone would just accept who they were, there would be a lot less heartbreak and stress in the world. Plus, no one would be hatin' on each other because they would feel good about themselves. I know I hate on girls when I feel bad about myself. Tearing others down to feel better is a defense mechanism and we all do it. It doesn't make it right! So when I start feeling super bratty, I just have to take a step back and ask myself if I am making a legitimate argument or if I am just feeling bad. Then, I make myself mentally list things I like about them. It is a rather painful process but in the end, I feel a little better. I then make a list of things I like about myself that day because by the time I'm done listing things I like about the other girl, I am more open to liking myself.

I don't know! What do you think of Jenna's video? Does she have a good point? How do you make yourself feel better on a crappy day? Thoughts and questions and such are always welcome. :)

Love, Mika.

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